
  • Queen Victoria Crowned Empress of India

    Queen Victoria Crowned Empress of India
    The Conservative Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli had Queen Victoria proclaimed as Empress of India. This binded India more closely to Britain.
  • Treaty of Kanagawa

    Treaty of Kanagawa
    Matthew Calbraith Perry was a U.S. representative who signed the Treaty of Kanagawa with the Japanese government. This opened the Shimoda and Hakodate ports to American trade and allowed a U.S. consulate to be established in Japan.
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    Sepoy Rebellion
    The Sepoy Rebellion was Indian soldiers rebelling against the British rule. This began partly because of a rumor that cartridges for guns were made from cow and pig fat.
  • Suez Canal Built

    Suez Canal Built
    The Suez Canal was an artificial waterway built in Egypt. It connected the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea.
  • David Livingstone Found

    David Livingstone Found
    David Livingstone was an explorer who traveled to Africa, and he disappeared for several years. He was found by Henry Morton Stanley who said the famous quote "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?".
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    The Boxer Rebellion took place in China. This was a rebellion against the spread of Western and Japanese influence there.
  • Panama Canal Built

    Panama Canal Built
    The Panama Canal is a waterway that America built across the Isthmus of Panama. It connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.