
By Mwyman2
  • The Panama Canal

    The Panama Canal
    The Panama Canal (1803-1814) was built to connect the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean in order to allow for the United States to have easier and more efficient trade routes. The construction of it was overseen by Theodore Roosevelt
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    The Monroe Doctrine was when the U.S. officially opposed European colonialism in the Americas by declaring any further colonization would be hostile towards the U.S. and that the U.S. would not interfere with existing colonies.
  • Opium Wars

    Opium Wars
    The Opium Wars (1839-1860) were a result of British smuggling of opium into China and China attempting to stop this smuggling. Britain won over China and it ended with the Treaty of Nanjing.
  • Treaty of Nanjing

    Treaty of Nanjing
    The treaty that came as a result of the Opium Wars. This treaty gave Britain money and control of Hong Kong, not very beneficial to China.
  • Matthew C. Perry travels to Japan

    Matthew C. Perry travels to Japan
    Matthew C. Perry (an American) traveled to Japan in order to open trade between the U.S. and Japan, this ended in the Treaty of Kanagawa (the trade agreement itself).
  • Treaty of Kanagawa

    Treaty of Kanagawa
    The Treaty of Kanagawa was a result of Matthew C. Perry's trip to Japan and allowed for open port trade with the United States.
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    The Open Door Policy was implemented by the United States in China to encourage trade with other nations rather than the closed border policy China previously held. This allowed China to trade with all other nations and vice versa.