Opium wars
The Opium Wars were all about the Chinese trying to stop all smuggling of Opium into China. Sadly they did not win these wars and was defeated by the British -
Treaty of Nanjing
This Treaty was a treaty that gave British money and all of Hong Kong. Clearly it wasn't equal or fair to the Chinese. -
Sepoy Rebellion
The sepoy rebellion was a rebellion of Indian soldiers against the British. Sadly the British had won and stopped the rebellion within a year of its start. Because of this Parliament had tightened their control on India and ended the East India Co. dominance. -
Suez Canal Built
The Suez Canal was supported by Isma'il. The canal was the first to connect the Red sea to the Mediterranean. It was built using French money from private intrest groups and they had forced Egyptians to build it. -
Open Door Policy
This was a policy that was created by the US. The reason they did this was to open Chinese trade to all nations instead of keeping it to themselves. -
Boer War
The Boer war was the first modern "total" war. Started the war because the Boers blamed the British for creating a rebellion against the Boers. -
Boxer Rebellion
Peasants set siege on European section of Beijing for months. Surprisingly the Chinese gov didn't help they were actually against it. During the Rebellion the Europeans defeated them and won.