
  • Opium Wars

    Opium Wars
    The Chinese tried to stop the smuggling of opium. The British easily defeated the Chinese.
  • Treaty of Nanjing

    Treaty of Nanjing
    An unequal treaty between Britain and the Qing. The British gained lots of money and Hong Kong.
  • British East India Company

    British East India Company
    The company was created, and they traded in India. They became the richest and most powerful trading companies in the world. The East India Company controlled most of India.
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    Sepoy Rebellion
    Sepoys (Indian soldiers) rebelled against the British. British put down the revolt within a year. Parliament later tightened control of India and ended the East India Company dominance.
  • British Raj founded

    British Raj founded
    British crown ruled most of India. They improved roads, railroads, telegraph lines, canals, and schools. They also had a somewhat negative impact because they attempted to change the ways of the people, and Indian farmers were forced to grow cotton so there was a food shortage.
  • David Livingstone found

    David Livingstone found
    The New York Herald sent Stanley to find Livingstone. He met Livingstone at the town of Ujiji on Lake Tanganyika. Stanley greeted him with the now famous words, "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?"
  • Indian National Congress formed

    Indian National Congress formed
    It was formed to gain more rights for the Indian people. Nationalism now began to arise among Indians.