
  • Period: to

    American Imperialism

  • Invasion of Cuba

    After troops landed in Cuba most died from disease compared to battle deaths. After the charge of San Juan and destroying the spanish fleet in Santiago bay the spanish asked for peace on august 3rd 1898
  • The Philippines

    After was declared Dewey's fleet fired on ships in manilla bay, causing submission by the spanish fleet. Later US captured Manila after allying with rebels to defeat the spanish.
  • Annexation of Hawaii

    Expansionists coveted the Islands of Hawaii and in 1893 American settlers aided the overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarch Queen Liliuokalani. After war broke out in philippines congress and president McKinley annexed Hawaii in July 1988 and eventually became US territory in 1900. This shows the power the United States in foreign issues and our ability to control a foreign nation.
  • Revolution Of Panama

    The isthmus was under Columbian rule and Roosevelt wanted to build the canal. So in 1903 he organized the Panamanian revolt. After almost no bloodshed, panama had won and was forced to sign the Hay- Bunau-Varilla treaty giving the US all rights over the Panama Canal and to keep US protection.
  • The Roosevelt Corollary

    The Roosevelt Corollary was used too justify American military in foreign waters. The US would send ships and troops to occupy countries who couldn't pay their debts to Britain. The US did this to show power and their ability to control foreign lands.
  • Great White Fleet

    After the treaty of Portsmouth in which Japan felt snubbed in the land they got, Roosevelt set out to prove US power. He sent a fleet of battleships around the world to demonstrate US power. Japan welcomed the fleet within their waters.
  • Conciliation treaties

    Wilson's Sec. of State Bryan had a pet project that negotiated with foreign nations to submit disputes to international commissions and observe a 1 year cooling off period before taking action. Bryan was successful with over 30 such treaties, showing the US influence over other countries as a world power.