

  • Reasons for growth of American Imperialism

    • wanted to spread democracy
    • wanted to help developing countries
  • America's Acquisition of Alaska

    America's Acquisition of Alaska
    • Bought from the Russian Empire
    • Andrew Johnson bought it
    • The Gold Rush implied that there may be gold in Alaska, Russia had not found it yet
  • America's Acquisition of Hawaii

    America's Acquisition of Hawaii
    Hawaiian League lead a coupe against Queen Lili'uokalani and overthrew her
  • America's Acquisition of Hawaii

    America's Acquisition of Hawaii
    McKinley wanted to annex Hawaii but other 2/3 of Congress did not
  • Spanish-American War Causes

    Spanish-American War Causes
    US supported Cuba and Philippines against Spanish rule and the explosion of US Naval Ship
  • Spanish-American War Public Opinion

    Spanish-American War Public Opinion
    The whole country didn't trust what Spain was saying because of how the press was covering everything.
    President McKinley opposed the war
  • Spanish-American War Events

    Spanish-American War Events
    USS Maine Explosion
  • Spanish-American War Events

    Spanish-American War Events
    US declares war on Spain
  • Spanish-American War Events

    Spanish-American War Events
    US Troops land in Cuba
  • Spanish-American War Events

    Spanish-American War Events
    The Spanish surrender at Santiago
  • Spanish-American War Events

    Spanish-American War Events
    Protocol of Peace Signed
  • America's Acquisition of Hawaii

    America's Acquisition of Hawaii
    America Annexed Hawaii
  • Spanish-American War Outcomes

    Spanish-American War Outcomes
    Spain gave Guam and Puerto Rico over to the US and renounced claim of Cuba
    Transferred the Philippines to the US for $20 million