East India Company
Created to gain profit from trading with other nations. Said that India was the most valuable colony. They had very good raw materials that the British wanted. -
Great Trek
12,000 to 14,000 Boers began to move north to avoid the British and their politics -
Opium Wars
British smuggled in opuim from India into China for other materials. Chinese tries to stop all of the drugs because everyone was beginning to get addicted. British and Chinese fought althought British won. -
Treaty of Nanjing
Marked the end of the Opium Wars. The treaty granted Britain money as well as Hong Kong. -
Matthew C. Perry in Japan
Matthew Perry commanded some ships to Japan for trade. He demanded a treaty for opening Japanese ports for trade. Japanese did not accept and America began to threaten and force their ports. -
Sepoy Rebellion
Sepoy- Indian soliders
East India Company began to tighten power on India because they enjoyed their raw materials which made a ton of money on them. The soliders rebelled against the tighter control -
Boer War
Boers- farmers who were descendants of the Dutch who lived in South Africa.
Fought between the boers and British which was the first total war. Boers did not want Biritsh to take over and convert their people to Anglicanism and slave policies.