Imperial Japan

  • 1800

    the Tokugawa shogunate had ruled the Japanese islands for two hun- dred years.
  • 1853

    An American fleet of four warships under Commondore Matthew Perry arrived in Edo Bay.
  • 1858

    U.S. consul Townsend Harris signed a more detailed treaty. It called for the opening of several new ports to U.S. trade and residence, as well as an exchange of ministers
  • 1863

    The Sat-Cho alliance forced the shogun to promise to end rekations with the West.
  • 1868

    Their armies attacked the shogun's palace in Kyoto and proclamied that the authority of the emperor had been restored.
  • 1889

    Meiji constitution adopted in 1889 was midled after that Imperal Germany.
  • 1904

    Japan launched a surprise attack on the Russian naval base at Port Arthur, which Russia had taken from China in 1898.
  • 1905

    After the defeat Russians agreed to a humiliating peace.
  • 1907

    President Theodore Roosevelt made a "gentlemen's agreement" with Japan that essentially stopped Japanese immigration to the United States.
  • 1910

    Japan annexed Korea outright.