Impactful Events in WW1

  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    On June 28, 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the rightful heir to the crown of Austria-Hungary, was driving in Sarajovo when people from The Black Hand, a secret military society from the Kingdom of Serbia, caught him after a failed assassination attempt and killed him and his wife.
  • War is declared

    War is declared
    Austria declares war on Serbia and starts attacking Belgrade. Shortly after because of all the alliances, all these big countries start to join in and take sides leading to the start of World War 1.
  • Powers are Decided

    Powers are Decided
    Powers are decided from all the alliances between countries and 2 separate sides. The Central Powers being Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. The Allied Powers being Great Britain, France, Russia, and Serbia
  • The Battle of the Marne

    The Battle of the Marne
    As German troops keep pushing forward and start to get closer to Paris, French and British forces launch a counter attack. It's a bloody and ferocious battle leading to nearly 100,00 dead or lost from both sides and double that amount injured. The battle ended up in a stalemate.
  • The Gallipoli Campaign

    The Gallipoli Campaign
    Pushed by Winston Churchill, the Allies tried to break through the opposing side, Ottoman Turkey, to create a link with Russia and attack Germany and Austria from the East instead of just the West. This was a big mistake for the Allies leading to over 180,000 deaths. This event marked the first battle Australia and New Zealand fought as independent countries.
  • The Sinking of the RMS Lusitania

    The Sinking of the RMS Lusitania
    A British-owned luxury steamship was torpedoed by a German U-Boat killing 1,195 people, including 128 Americans. This caused anger to rise in America but President Woodrow Wilson continued to push neutrality and not joining the war.
  • The Battle of Verdun

    The Battle of Verdun
    German Forces start attacking Verdun in an attempt to bleed France White. After a while, German forces manage to advance but are still heavily contained. Dragging on for over 300,000 deaths and spanning over 300 days. Making it the longest battle of WWI.
  • The Battle of the Somme

    The Battle of the Somme
    Allied forces attempt to have some pressure relieved on the French side so they attack the Germans to the northeast, towards the Somme River. Fighting for nearly six months, the Allies only advanced a few kilometers. There was nearly 1,000,000 casualties and 400,000 dead or missing. Making it the bloodiest battle of the war.
  • The Zimmerman Telegram

    The Zimmerman Telegram
    The Zimmerman Telegram was a secret message/telegram send and issued from the German Foreign Office to Mexico in an attempt to persuade Mexico to create an alliance and attack America if they joined WWI. Germany promised to get the land of several states that were once Mexico's back.
  • The Bolshevik Revolution

    The Bolshevik Revolution
    A social and political revolution, causing for Russia to abolish their monarchy and choose a socialist type of government over the one being used. This eventually lead to to Russia backing out of the war after all the casualties across the war.
  • US enters WWI

    US enters WWI
    After the Zimmerman Telegram and several causes of US civilian casualties. The Us has taken enough from German Forces and Woodrow Wilson decides to ask Congress to join the war and save democracy for the world. Congress then voted and they officially declared war on Germany.
  • The Selective Service Act

    The Selective Service Act
    The Selective Service Act was a attempt to raise up a national military in America in preparation to join WWI. This was a draft across America to get men to join the army.
  • The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was a peace treaty in between Russia and the Central Powers that ended Russia's participation in WWI after two months of negotiations. This lead to Germany using the Eastern Front as a way to attack from separate places.
  • The Battle of Mons

    The Battle of Mons
    The final battle of WWI, after this battle the war finally ended because both sides of the battle decided to negotiate on the 11th hour.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was the treaty to end WWI. This treaty forced Germany into accepting all the fault for the war and having to pay for all debt of damages or casualties in the war.