Impact of WW2 on Australian Literature

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    Australian Militiary began paying writers to create war poems. Soon poetry was one of the main forms of literature in Australia due to government induced paper rationing scheme. During this period many biographies were being produced by Australian soldiers. Fiction was created to inspire them and bring them hope.
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    1950s were a period of post war transitioning and refocusing. A period of time where the paper rationing era was over. Australian citiziens began creating literature based around their experience during the war. Children began studying the art of writing. Trying to clone the works that have been created thus far. During this time Australian literature expanded and new authors and writers emerged from the rubble that was literature in Australia.
  • Voss Published

    Voss was the first Australian piece of fiction to receive a Nobel Prize. Voss was written by Patrick White based around the story of an adventurer who adventures the Australian outback. White grew up in a time where poetry was still a mainstream due to the war. This is a highly potential reason Voss was a poetic masterpiece. Symbolising in entirety the story of Jesus.
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    In the 1960s. The swinging 60's, the period where marijuana, peace and beads were on a rise. The evolution of Australian literature truly starts here. Soon before Voss was released which was destined to win a Nobel Prize. But during this time many famous Australian authors began to appear on the scene Oodgeroo Noonuccal was the first indigenous person to publish a book of verse. Along with indigenous writers becoming more prominent others also began writing works.
  • 1960 Cont.

    The Australian literary scene exploded with new authors. Perspectives appearing, the almost battle for dominance in the Australian market. Authors evolving their technique and increasingly demanding perfection from their works. Australian literary competitions were formed around this time. Allowing authors and writers to become celebrities in their respective field.
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    1970s. The period of time where warriors were found in the ground, Sony released the Walkman you could throw into your pocket. 1970s also gave Australia something great only 6 years after Voss was released by Patrick White, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. This event is major in Australias history, because now...Australian literature was competing with other literary giants. Australia began producing content at a higher quality,
  • 1970 Cont.

    Australia began receiving imports of international authors and writers, helping the literary scene flourish. Taking inspiration from these international writers and authors also. The phase from where Australian literature was no longer purely systematic and entirely uniform. Now it had inspiration from other perspectives and voices.
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    A time where Ford was seen almost everywhere. The 1980s are a time of Australian history in terms of literature where few things occured. The Australian literary front was still the same as the decade before. Australian authors evolving hrough their ability of studying foreign writers. Ever more authors appearing seemingly from nowhere. The 1980s could be considered Australias hibernation. Where the literary front was preparing for what's happening next.
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    The decade I was born but more importantly the decade one of the most important pieces of technology was brought to Australia. The internet. Midway through the 1990s nearly all of Australia was connected through the technology that was available. Allowing Australia to yet again transition into an age of internet use. Allowing even further evolution through the use of sharing information.