Impact of the Telegraph

  • Introduction

    The electric telegraph can be considered one of the most important inventions of the industrial era. Its inception marked the beginning of a telecommunications revolution that catalyzed industrialization and efficient communication. As the telegraph took off, the effects were seen more and more profound starting with small lines of communication, moving to transcontinental conversation and even to transatlantic codes before the creation of the telephone.
  • Invention of Morse Code

    Invention of Morse Code
    Morse Code is the initial language of the telegraph invented by Samuel Morse. Morse Code would go on to become a huge part of military communications deep into the 20th century.
  • First message sent on an electric telegraph

    Samuel Morse sent the first message on his patented telegraph, Washington to Baltimore with the words "What hath God wrought?"(Nonnenmacher)
  • First commercial telegraph lines laid

    New York to Washington(Nonnenmacher). This is a huge development for the population of Americans as it allowed instant communication between two of the most important cities to the development and growth of the country. By connecting the heart of our government(Washington) and a main industrial hub(New York) important communications can happen on an instantaneous level.
  • First telegraph used to communicate train departures

    First telegraph used to communicate train departures
    Reveals the importance of instant communication(via telegraph) to the development of railroads across the country.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    15,000 miles of telegraph cable was laid strictly for military purposes("Civil War Innovations"). The telegraph could be accredited for the Union victory as they adopted this form of communication long before the Confederacy could.
  • First Transcontinental Telegraph

    First Transcontinental Telegraph
    The Western Union Telegraph Company created a telegraph connecting Washington and San Francisco. Chief Justice of California, Stephen J. Field, sent the first transcontinental telegram to President Abe Lincoln with a message predicting that the "new communication link would help ensure the loyalty of the western states to the Union during the Civil War"("Western Union").
  • Construction of Transcontinental Railroad is approved by President Abraham Lincoln

    Construction of Transcontinental Railroad is approved by President Abraham Lincoln
    Due to the communication provided by the first transcontinental telegraph, the construction of a transcontinental railroad is now possible and can be done so efficiently.
  • Western Union Telegraph Company

    By 1864, post-transcontinental telegraph creation, Western Union owned and operated on 44,000 miles of wire and was valued at $10 million. By the next year, it's worth jumped to $21 million("1830's-1860's").
  • First Transatlantic Telegraph laid

    Instant communication between US and other government marks a major moment in foreign policy. In 1858, the United States and England had laid a transatlantic telegraph that failed rather quickly.
  • Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone
    Finally, society can begin to move away from Morse Code for even more efficient communication.
  • Conclusion

    The power of information is unmatched. The effect of the telegraph offered instant information exchange guiding society through the industrial era. Something to note is that prior to the telegraph, business and politics were defined by geography. The telegraph changed this(national news travel). The role it played in the functioning of railroads, the Civil War, and efficient communications throughout its time is what helped society to thrive through hardships and development of a young country.