Impact of the scientific revoulution of medicine

  • Period: Sep 30, 1543 to


  • Sep 30, 1545

    Ambroise Paré Military Experiences

    Ambroise Paré Military Experiences
    Paré publishes in 1545 the first account of his military experiences under the title La Methode de traicter les playes faictes par Hacquebutes, et aultres bastons a feu (The Method of treating wounds caused by Arquebuses and other firearms).
  • Edward Jenner Cowpox

    Edward Jenner Cowpox
    Cowpox is a relatively rare disease, unrecognized at the time by the medical profession, and it is not until 1796 that Jenner has an opportunity to test this theory of immunity.
  • Stethoscope

    René Laënnec, reluctant to press his ear to the chest of a young female patient, finds a solution in the stethoscope
  • First Use Of Anethstetic

    First Use Of Anethstetic
    A dentist in Boston, William Morton, uses ether as an anaesthetic while surgeon John Collins Warren removes a tumour in a patient's neck
  • William Baikie protects his men

    William Baikie, on an expedition up the Niger, protects his men from malaria by administering quinine
  • Cure To Cancer

    Cure To Cancer
    in the year 2030 the cure to cancer will be found by a scientist.