Impact of Science and Technology on Society

  • Étienne Lenoir creates the first gasoline engine

    Lenior was not the first person to come up with the idea of a gasoline powered engine, but he was the first to make a model that worked. Although his model was fuel inefficient, extremely noisy, and tended to overheat he was praised highly.
  • Louis Pasteur creates pasteurization

    Louis' research showed that the growth of micro-organisms was responsible for spoiling beverages, like beer, wine and milk. So he invented a process where liquids like milk were heated to kill most bacteria and mold within them. Claude Bernard and he completed the first test on April 20, 1862. This process is known as pasteurization.
  • Joseph Lister makes a major decision

    After Louis Pasteur make the discovery of germs and pasteurization Lister thought that germs were the cause of so many patients dting from infection. So he insisted that his surgical rooms were kept clean and the wounds were washed in antispticts. 85% of his patients lived because of this. Afterwards mant hospitals followed his discoveries.
  • Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Wastson create the telephone

    Alexander and his assisatant Thomas Watson worked on the invention of the telephone togetther for many years. One day when they were working Alexander called to his assisatant and Thomas heard his voice through the telephone wires. From 1877 to 1886, the number of people in the United States who owned telephones grew to more than 150,000. There were also improvements made to the device, like the addition of a microphone so that you didn't have to yell into the phone.
  • Thomas Edison Creates The Phonograph

    August 12th is the date ususally given for Edison's completion of the model for the first phonograph. It is more likely, however, that the model was not finished until November or December, since he did not file for the patent until December 24, 1877.
  • Thomas Edison improves the electric lightbulb

    Most people belive that Edison created the lightbulb but this is not true. He simply improved it so that it could shine for a longer period and be used at home. After one and a half years of work the lightbulb burned for 13 hours. This started a revolution of electricity.
  • Alexanderr Graham Bell establishes the Volta Laboratory

    The Volta Lab was devoted to scientific discoveries. Extreme medical tecnology was created there. The lab developed a metal jacket to assist patients with lung problems, developed a metal detector to locate bullets in bodies, and invented an audiometer to test a person's hearing. He continued to promote efforts to help the deaf, and in 1890, established the American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf.
  • Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim invents the first self powered maching gun

    The maxim gun was the weapon associated with britian's imperal conquest. The first people to recieve and use the maxim gun were the singapore volunteer troops in 1889. The maxim gun was a huge step in warefare.
  • Guglielmo Marconi invents the radio

    Marconi began his expirements on a wireless telegraph machine at a young age. With the help of his parents he began to work on his invention. It didn't take him very long because he had a knack for inventing. In 1896 he was granted the patent for the wireless telegraph,
  • Casmir Zeglen invents the first bulletproof vest without metal plates

    After the assassination of Carter Harrison the mayor of Chicago Zeglen started to work on an improved bulletproof vest. He began experimenting on bullet proof cloth using steel shavings, moss, hair, and more but nothing stood the test until he made one out of silk. To show people that it actually worked he asked them to shoot him.
  • Marie Curie is the first women to win a nobel prize

    Marie Curie was the first women to win a nobel prize for her work in radioactivity. She and her husband hypothesized that the radiation was not the outcome of nteraction of some molecules, but came from the atom itself. In 1910 marie and her husband discovered the elements radium and polonium.
  • Wright brothers create the first motorized airplane

    They began they're experiments by making model kites. They would see how they flew and make adjustments. When they got all the measurements correct they added a motor. This model was called the Wright Flyer I.
  • Henry Ford creates the model T automobile

    Henry Ford's automobile is possibly the biggest invention of the 20th century. It changed transportation across the globe. The car was very easy to drive and easy and cheap to repair. It was about 825$, which is 21,000 today. By 1918 half of all cars in America were model T's.
  • Marie Curie invents Petite Curies

    When germany declared war on france marie curie wanted to help as much as she could. Unfourtantley her x-ray equipment was too big to be moved around battle sites. So she got people to remodel cars into vans and put her equipment into them. By 1914 there were 20 petite curies.