Period: to
Impact of European History Events
Ration Books Were Introduced
During WW2 you couldn't just go to the store and buy food, you had a ration book full of stamps for certain food due to shortage of food becaused they needed to have food for the troops. Europeans couldn't just make food whenever they wanted, the had to balance out how much food they ate. -
Germany Invades Norway and Denmark
German warships invaded major ports in norway with thousands of German troops occupying Norway. At the same time, German forces were occupying Copenhagen along with other Danish cities. Hours after the attack, Norwegian prime minister declared Norway's surrender. In Denmark, King Christian X knew his troops could not fight a German army and surrendered almost immediately. This invasion allowed Germany to control Norway and Denmark. Allowing them to get some of the Jews. -
Germany Invades USSR
On this day, Adolf Hitler sent over 3 million soldiers, 150 divisions and over three thousand tanks east to invade the Soviet Union. The inavsion covered from the Black Sea to the North Cape, that's a distance of 2,000 miles. The Germans had serious defiencies. They severely underestimated their opponent. This attack influenced Europe because it made the USSR against Germany and Germany had no chance which cost them the war. That made Germany not able to control Europe. -
Japan Declares War on Dutch East Indies
Japan occupied the Dutch East Indies until the end of the war in 1945. This was one of the most crucial times in Indonesian history. The Netherlands had little ability to defend it's colony against the Japanese army. It had an influence on Europe because it had the Netherlands occupied for about three years. -
Danish Jews escape to Sweden
In German occupied Denmark, the Danish find out, all 7,500 Danish jews are about to be transported to concentration camps, Danish people make their own decision, it is not going to happen. And it didn't. Risking their own lives, Danish citizens rallied up to save their fellow citizens lives and almost all were able to escape to neighbor Sweden who was neutral during the war. This event saved thousands of Jews which has had an impact on Europe because so many more people were able to be born. -
D-Day landing in Normandy by allies
This day, more than 160,000 allied troops landed on a 50 mile, heavily fortified French coastline, to fight Nazis on the french beach of Normandy. President Eisenhower said that the US would "accept nothing less than full victory". More than 5,000 ships and 13,000 aircraft were used on the D-Day invasion. This invasion really influenced Europe because it gave the Allies a foot-hold on Continental Europe. -
Allied forces liberated Belgium
With allied troops oumder general command of the Canadians in early September 1944. The cities of Brussels and Antwerp were liberated quickly. German tried attacking with a V-1 and V-2 rocket, unfortunately for the Germans the attacks missed. Belgium was free of Germans on February 4, 1945. This influenced Europe because it saved many Belgians lives. http://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/remembrance/history/historical-sheets/belgium -
Adolf Hitler Commits Suicide
On this day Hitler was found dead in his underground bunker. He had swallowed a cyanide capsule then shot himself with a pistol. Warned by officers that the Russians were only one or two days away from attacking Hitler's headquarters he and his wife both swallowed a cyanide capsule then he shot himself. This event had a HUGE impact on WW2 because it was one reason the war stopped. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/adolf-hitler-commits-suicide-in-his-underground-bunker -
Germany surrrenders WW2
At first, Genral Jodl wanted to limit the surrender to only those fighting on the west side. But, Presedent Dwight Eisenhower demanded him to surrender the east side too. He was ready to seal off the west side so that no Germans could escape forcing them to surrender. This was probably the biggest event in the 1940's in Europe because it ended the war. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/germany-surrenders-unconditionally-to-the-allies-at-reims -
Sweden joins the United Nations
Sweden joined the United Nations one year after it was created. The United Nations is an organization that helps International Co-operation. It Influences Europe because Sweden is now going to be working with lots of other countries http://www.government.se/government-policy/sweden-and-the-un/sweden-and-the-united-nations1/ -
The Spanish dictator Generalissimio Francisco. Franco ended the war of Gibraltor. -
Royal Dutch Airlines began offering firstb class passengers ceramic house filled with liqour. -
Portuguese Colonial War
It was fought between the Portuguese Army and parts of Africa. Caused by some African countries wanted to gain independence. -
Berlin Wall
It was made to prevent East Germans from escaping to the West. -
Finland 1973
Finland signed free trade agreement with EEC -
Italy 1978
Primie Minister Aldo Moro was kidnapped and assasinated by Red Brigades -
Soviet Submarines in Swedish Waters
The Soviet Union and Europe were fighting in WWII and Soviet Submarines entered European Waters in Sweden wars were t large. -
Pan Am flight 103
Killing and injuring 259 people it ruined evryones day.