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Immigration to Australia

  • The first fleet

    The first fleet
    The British arrived in Australia by boats for a new colony. Most of them were prisons. The British migrated from Britain to Australia. They were first landed in Botany Bay then settled around Sydney Cove. Once the British settled in Australia they started to build houses and roads, prepare grounds for tilling and planting. They introduced farming skills, working skills, food and diseases to Australia. Their settlement was treated as dispossession by the Aboriginal people.
  • The gold rush

    The gold rush
    From 1851, many British, Irish, Germans and others Europeans, and Chinese came to Australia during the gold rush. Until 1852, there were about 370,000 people arrived here for gold. Back to those ages, they came here by boats. The gold rush increased the number of restrictions and discriminations between the people from different backgrounds. The gold rush developed the economy in Australia and made it rich. It also brought in many argricultural skills and cultures from differen areas.
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    Post Khmer Rouge

    Many people died from starvation or execution during Khmer Rouge government period. Cambodians migrated to Australia for freedom and better life untiled 1950s under the Colombo Plan. They came by boats. Their migration has enriched Australian culture. Most Cambodians are belonging to working-class.
  • White Australian policy

    White Australian policy
    White Australian policy published in 1901 at Federation and ended in 1972 by Labour Party. The white government intended to create another Britain in Australia. It gave British privileges to migrate and limited other people migrating. People had to past the dictation test to migrate.
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    Post World War 1

    The World War 1 was a war in Europe but affected the world. It was fighting between Allies and Central Powers. Most countries in the world were involved in it. During this time, many European escapped from their countries to Australia to avoid the war.
  • The great depression

    The great depression
    The great depression started in 1929 and ended in 1932. Many European countries were affected by the great depression, people became really poor. During the period, many Europeans came to Australia by steamboats for better lives. Their migration has built Australian manpower.
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    Post World War 2

    Many Europeans migrated to Australia by boats because of the WW2. They were known as 'ten pound poms'. The Australian government accepted them because they wanted to build manpower to avoid the invasion by Japanese. This wave of migration had increased Australian population efficiently and changed the economic, social and political environments.
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    Post Vietnam War

    Australia supported the South Vietnam during the Vietnam War. After the North Vietnamese Communist government took the South, Australian government accepted Vietnamese refugees. Over 90,000 Viet migrated to Australia by boats. They came with their traditional culture. Many Vietnamese Australians today are highly achieved in arts, medical science, engineering etc.
  • Modern immgration

    Modern immgration
    In 2004-05, many Chinese and Indian migrated to Australia for better lives by planes or boats. Most of them were students. Since 2007, millions of refugees from Sudan and Afghanistan came to Australia by boats and planes. They escaped from their countries because wars. Australia gradually became a multicultural country.