
Immigration to Argentina-Causes & Results-1870s-1914

  • Argentina Immigration

    Argentina had many immigrants and the population grew.
  • Wage

    The wages were high in Argentina, which attracted immigrants.
    Wages were high than Italty & Spain.
  • Majority of Immigrants

    Most immigrants were from the Mediterranean.
    Mostly from Italy & Spain.
    Minority immigrants were Jewish, French, German, and Russian Jews.
  • Type of Jobs

    Agricultural & comerical jobs were available.
    Many worked in manufacturing and crafts.
    Because of the jobs and the advancement, many aliens were able to buy a house w/i 10 yr.
  • Living

    Many lived in Buenos Aires & Rosario-two cities.
    They also lived rural.
  • Immigrants V. Natives

    Immigrants were built into society & accepted.
    Urban society looked down on Natives.
  • Constitution of Argentina-1853

    Promoted EUR immigration to Argentina, specifically having no bans on imnmigration in the 25th article.
  • Causes

    EUR were not paid well and were attracked to higher wages, better working conditions, different jobs-agric/factory, "new world", "new life", & a country rich in natural resources.
  • Lower Class

    Lower class-Amerindians-arrived from Peru, southern Brazilians, mestizos-migrated from country to country in LA received few immediate benefits from theiw work.
    Underfed, overworked, & exploited.
    Illiteracy & poverty were present.
  • Upper Class

    Elites controlled economy & most businesses.
    Laws banning labor unions existed, enforced with brutality.
  • Legacy

    More jobs, booming economy, populized, better standard of living, more convenience from industrialization-railroads, sheep, cattle, wheat, & meat industry