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Immigration to America
Tough for the Chinese
Something called the Chinese exclusion act was put forward which didn't make it possible for Chinese immigrants to immigrate from 1882-1892. -
China was suffering from poverty, famine, high, taxes, and foriegn invasions, so my friend Bruce and I left China. -
Bruce and I arrrived in America but he quickly caused conflict and got into a fight with an immigrant from Ireland. Bruce and I were seperated because he was taken by security. -
Needed transportation
I needed transportation to go places, but trains were too crowded so I bought a horse. -
My name was very hard for people America too pronounce,so I had my named changed from Ming Ping to Jackie Lee. -
Moving West
Moved west because I needed to make more money for myself, there were more mining oppurtunities, and free land. -
Us Chinese Workers had to do much more dangerous jobs and did it for very little pay. -
Got a better mining job that paid more and was a very successful business. -
A new worker showed up at the mines one day who looked familiar and then I realized it was my best friend who I got separated from when I got to America. -
Bruce and I found a fortune of gold that would last us the rest of our lives, so we moved onto 160 acres of land and built a house that we would live in the rest of our lives.