Immigration Timeline Pre WWII

  • Period: to

    Years of Immigration

  • First Settlers Arrive in Australia

    This day is known an Asutrlia day to the whites and Invasion day to the Blacks/Aboriginals
  • First Gold Rushes in Australia

    Miners from UK Europe (British, Irish), Germans and the Chinese. There was alot of descrimination against the Chinese about their looks and culture.
  • Recreasional Snow Sports

    In Victoria the first Snow Sports competions started amongst the diggers in the Gold Rush. There were many riots amongst the diggers.
  • Change in Federation

    There is a change in federation and government introduces the new WAP, White Austrlia Policy, meaning that all refugees and immigrants have to take a dictation test to come into Austrlia.
  • Great Depression

    Due to the Great Depression, the economy was very low all over the world so there were no immigrants comign to Australia due to the cost of livign and transport.
  • Holocaust

    With the impact of WWI there were many Jewish immigrants accepted in Australia after the mass genocide against them. All Jewish immigrants were certified execption and over 5000 were excepted.
  • End of WWII

    After the loss of life during WWII the immigration minister produces a plan: poulate or perish. meaning if the population didnt increase Australia is done for. after the war there were many displaced Europeans, meaning that Australia began asisted immigration.
    The start of the '10 Pound poms', British people who were under 45 and healthy could pay 10 pounds to migrate over to a job in Aust. also people from the Netherlands and Italy were excepted. No mixed raced allowed.
  • Continual English Population

    A natural increqase begins to occur, the English population have kids and produce a continual amount of poulation in Australia. Imigrants from northern Europe are accepted: Italians, Greek, Dutch, Polish, Maltese, Yugoslavia.
  • Shift in Policy

    After the wars in Veitnam and Korea Asutralia started to accept many immigrants and refugees from war areas.
  • Wave of Immigrants

    After the major wars around the world there was a large wave of immigrants accpepted in Australia. They came from areas effected by the Iraq war (Egypt), Afghanistan war, war in Iran (Syria), East Timor, Indonessia and Africa.
  • Attempts of smart migration laws

    immigrants were put through a process called pacific solutions, (all refugees sent to Australia were mad very hard to get through). They were then put through a citizen test or put in detention centres.These ideas were under the idea of skilled immigration techniques. There were also many asylum sectors/border protection issues that were happening, as well as terorist attacts; 9/11, Tempa affair