Immigration Timeline

  • Chinese Exclusin Act of 18882

    Chinese Exclusin Act of 18882
    Stopped the entry of Chinese immigrantes into the United States for ten years
  • 1888 and 1891

    1888 and 1891
    More rescrictive acts were passed in 1888 and 1891
  • Quota Act of 1921

    Quota Act of 1921
    Limited the annual number of immigrants from each nationality to 3 percent of the number of foreign-born persons of that nationality who were living in the United States in 1910.
  • Immigration Act of 1924 and National Origins Act of 1929

    Immigration Act of 1924 and National Origins Act of 1929
    Established a new quota system for each nationality and set a limit on the total number of immigrants to be allowed entry at all.
  • 1965

    Eliminated quotas based on national origin.
  • Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

    Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
    Imposed severe penalties on empolyers who willfully hired illegal aliens.
  • Amnesty Program 1987

    Amnesty Program 1987
    Illegal aliens who could prove that they had been in this country continuously for al least five years coulod apply to obtain temporary legal residency status.
  • Immigration Act of 1990

    Immigration Act of 1990
    Revised several other acts, including an act passed in 1965.
  • Immigration Reform Act of 1996

    Immigration Reform Act of 1996
    The act put into effect a number of provision to stem illegal immigration. One provision of the act would have forced hundreeds of thousands of illegal immigrants and refugees to leave the US.
  • Welfare Reform Act of 1996

    Welfare Reform Act of 1996
    Prohibited immigrants, including legal immigrants who are not yet citizens, from recieiving most forms of public assistance, uncluding welfare benefits.
  • 1997

    A new policy was revised in 1997. Under the new pocily, many refugees automatically became eligible for permanent legal residence.
  • 1994-Proposition 187

    1994-Proposition 187
    This denied public social services, publicly funded health care, and public education to people who were suspected of being illegal aliens.