Westward expansion

Immigration Timeline

  • Period: to

    Westward expansion

  • Free Land in America

    Free Land in America
    Maria Corasanitini is in Italy and has just received a letter from her husband that she got married to back in January. The letter from Mario (husband) stated that he is wating in Boston, America for her so that they can move west together and build a house and have a good life.
  • Immigrating to America

    Immigrating to America
    Maria Constantini traveled on the big boat to Boston and decided to send a letter to her husband stating that she was there. Unluckily her grandmother, who was traveling with her, died on the way over to due to old age. When she arrived in Boston, it was very crowded and she lost her hat in the crowd. Maria decided to move because her parents kept on sending her letters stating how she wasnt doing as well as they wanted her to,
  • Immigration to america part 2

    Immigration to america part 2
    The effect of her moving was that she would hopefully get land and meet her husband in America to move west with him. They wanted to move west in america and have a vast amount of land to build a lovely manor on.
  • Meets up with husband

    Meets up with husband
    Due to many things happeneing in Marias life she hasnt had time to search for Mario. She finnaly manedges to find him now, 20th of june,1891. Mario has prepared everything, cattle horses and the wagons for moving west and maneges to find Maria. Now that they are together they are planning and finding a date to move.
  • Too cold to move

    Too cold to move
    Maria and Mario have waited too long planning and it is too cold too move now. They decide to live in a nice house for Chrismas in Boston until spring. Some of there cattle die and some of the horses die due to old age. So due to the seasons changing, they cant move effectively without many deaths occuring.. This was a bad time for Maria and Mario becaquse they had to struggle with loosing some of their bounty because their money was in the cattle. They want to move west so they can farm.
  • Moving West

    Moving West
    Many cattle, horses wagons, and people are all gathered ready to depart with Maria and Mario. Due to them wanting to move the took courage and spent many hours of thier life planning to move. Now the day was apon them. One struggle they had was that they own many important expensive things which are all very hard to keep track of. They are a little hesitant at first about moving because their families are trying to find them, but then they realize they dont need their families anymore.
  • All settled down

    All settled down
    Enjoying a nice chrismas eve in their newly built cosy cabin. Moving was hard and it was a struggle for them but they made in and created many friends in the process. Due to the homestead act, maria and mario got a lot of land
  • Food shortage in the west

    Food shortage in the west
    Maria and mario struggle to find food because all of their supplies have been eatedn and its winter so they cannot farm.
    So due to it being winter, they are struggling to have food.
  • Farming season is starting

    Farming season is starting
    Maria and Mario Start planing their crops so they can grow over summer.
  • Citations for my timeline

    I got my images from www.flickr.com