Immigration time line
The First Fleet establishes the first white settlement in Australia. -
Immigration time line
The Second Fleet arrives -
Immigration time line
Flinders suggests the name Australia -
Immigration time line
Blaxland, Lawson and Wentworth cross the Blue Mountains -
Immigration time line
Govenour Macquarie supports the name Australia but it is some time before this is adopted. -
Immigration time line
1821 - 1830 During this period 32500 convicts arrive in Australia. -
Immigration time line
The Moreton Bay settlement is moved and named Brisbane -
Immigration time line
The first Scottish immigrants arrive in Victoria -
Immigration time line
Transportation of convicts to Western Australia begins. -
Immigration time line
The population of Victoria is 180000. -
Immigration time line
1851 - 1870 Government spending on public works such as railways and telegraph systems increases in all colonies. -
Immigration time line
All Brittish troops are removed from Australia and each colony establishes armed forces of their own. -
Immigration time line
Gold is discovered in Western Australia. -
Immigration time line
The first federal elections are held. -
Immigration time line
The Australian Capital Territory is established.