Immigration time line

By hazoman
  • Period: to


  • Home to the Brittish

    Home to the Brittish
    In 1793 NSW became home to the first free English settlers
  • Migrants to Australia

    Migrants to Australia
    in 1832 the fist ship load of migrants came to Australia
  • German Lutheran settlers

    German Lutheran settlers
    in this year in South Australia some German Luthern settlers started coming in.
  • Gold!

    In 1851 Victoria found gold which attracted a large number of immigrants from China, Europe and the United States.
  • To much Chinese

    To much Chinese
    In 1855 Victoria made a legislation to the number of Chinese people entering.
  • Cheap labour

    Cheap labour
    in 1863 Pacific Islanders were brought to Australia to do hard laour for not much money at all.
  • Federation

    In this year Australia became a federation! There was made a dicationtest to get rid of unwanted immigrants, the Alien Immigration Restriction act was also made.
  • Goodbye

    In this year the Pacific Isladers from Queensland started to leave our Country.
  • World War One

    World War One
    In the 4 years that World War One lasted lots of Australian Immagrants left.
  • The Great Depresion

    The Great Depresion
    The Great Depresion brings all immigrants to a stop.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    In the 6 years that World War 2 lastet it made immagrants leave Australia.
  • Citizenship

    In this year Australia introduced the citizenship award.
  • Nondiscrimination

    Apolicy is introduced for nondiscrmination about their race, colour or nationality.
  • Vietnamese

    The first refugees from Vietnamese arive in Australia
  • Indochinese

    The first Indochinese arrive in Australia.