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Immigration Issues Timeline in the U.S

  • Beginning of Colonial Immigration

    Beginning of Colonial Immigration
    James River was first discovered by immigrants and this marked the start of immigration to America
  • Pennsylvania Enacts Oath of Allegiance for German Immigrants

    Pennsylvania Enacts Oath of Allegiance for German Immigrants
    German immigrants were able to accept the United States as their new Home and country.
  • First Alien Naturalization Act Enacted by the Newly Created US Government

    First Alien Naturalization Act Enacted by the Newly Created US Government
    The original act provided the first rules to be followed by all of the United States in the granting of national citizenship
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    America bought land that is about 15 of American states from French for trade and transportational reasons
  • U.S Congress bans the importation of slaver

    U.S Congress bans the importation of slaver
    Illegal to bring slaves from Africa into America
  • Native Americans are not considered American Citizens

    Native Americans are not considered American Citizens
    American Government forced Native Americans to give up their land and to relocate to the West.
  • When the Native Americans were not considered Citizens

    When the Native Americans were not considered Citizens
    American Government forced Native Americans to give up their land and to relocate to the West.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Chinese Immigrants were no longer permited to come to the United States.
  • Statue of Liberty

    Statue of Liberty
    The French gave the Statue of Liberty as a gift to the United Stated. It symbolized freedom and the welcoming of immigration to America.
  • Ellis Island

    Ellis Island
    Ellis Island was the federal immigration processing station which processed over 12 million third class and steerage immigrants.
  • Emergency Quota Act

    Emergency Quota Act
    This act limited immigration to three percent of the amount of immigrants entering during the years past.
  • US Supreme Court Decides in United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind That Asian Indians Do Not Qualify for Naturalization because They Are Not Considered "White"

    US Supreme Court Decides in United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind That Asian Indians Do Not Qualify for Naturalization because They Are Not Considered "White"
    problems occurred due to people bot being "white" more racism was raised.
  • Labor Appropriations Act of 1924

    Labor Appropriations Act of 1924
    First Act to Enforce Border Control and have inspection of illegal immigration
  • Mexico Boarder Reinforced

    Mexico Boarder Reinforced
    6,000 National Guard members were deployed to the Mexican border to assist the Border Patrol, because of President Bush.
  • Arizona Legislation

    Arizona Legislation
    Act in Arizona that required all people over the age of 14 to register with the county and governement and immigrants are required to have documentation of citizenship.