Transcontinrmal RailRoad Compeleted
It was the !st transportation from the Mississippi west to San Fransico. It made traveling faster and more comfortable. -
Chinese Exclusion Act
It was passed so that only chinese looking for work. This lowered the number of chinese immigrants coming here and over populating. -
Ellis Island Opens
Ellis Island is a Federal Immgration station. Elis Island opened in 1892. This is were many imagrants come to seek fredom. -
Williams Jennings Bryan Rums for President
He grew up in Illinois. Williams stuided law. He won House of Respresentitves in 1890 -
Carnegie sells to J.P Morgan
Carnegie selled his company for 6.4 million to JP Morgan. Thia allowed the company US Steel to created. -
William McKinely Is Assassinated
President McKinely is shot in a crowed in New York. It gave Teddy Roosvelte a chance to be president. -
Henry Ford Created the Model T
The model T was the start of the automobile indsutry in America . Ford only offered these cars in back -
Alexander Graham Bell Created the Telephone
This was allowed him to have rights to the phone. This product allowed people to talk to one another from a great distance