
By dliu-22
  • Period: to

    65 million immigrants have entered the US (40% from 1881-1920)

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    70% of immigrants came from Great Britain, Germany and Ireland

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    200,000 Chinese immigrants came to the US

    Largely recruited for construction of the railroad
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    Majority of Immigrants came from southern and eastern Europe (Italy, Austria-Hungary, etc.)

  • Chinese Exclusion Act

  • 334,000 immigrants enter the US

  • Literacy became a immigration requirement (overrode Wilson's veto)

  • Restrictions on immigration (quotas based on country of national origin)

  • National Origins Act

    placed a quota on the amount of people that could come from each country
  • Displaced Persons Act

    admitted more than 400k refugees from WW2
  • Period: to

    68% of immigrants entering the US were from Europe and Canada

  • Immigration and Nationality act

    attract highly skilled professionals and open more quotas for people in other countries specifically asia
  • Refugee act

    increased the amount of refugees allowed to the US (mainly refugees from communist countries)
  • Immigration Reform and Control act

    penalized employers who hired workers without proper documentation
  • Immigration act of 1990

    raised quota on annual admissions from 290k to 675k
  • Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act

    strengthened immigration laws by adding penalties for undocumented immigrants who commit crimes while in the US