
  • 1790 Naturalization Act

    1790 Naturalization Act (An act to establish an uniform rule of naturalization)
  • 1795 Naturalization Act

    1795 Naturalization Act (An act to establish an uniform rule of naturalization, and to repeal the act heretofore passed on that subject)
  • 1798 Naturalization Act

    1798 Naturalization Act (An act supplementary to and to amend the act, intituled "An act to establish an uniform rule of naturalization, and to repeal the act heretofore passed on that subject")
  • 1798 Alien Friends

    1798 Alien Friends Act (An act concerning aliens)
  • 1798 Alien Enemies Act

    1798 Alien Enemies Act (An act respecting alien enemies)
  • 1819 Steerage Act

    1819 Steerage Act (An act regulating passenger ships and vessels)
  • 1847 Passenger Law

    1847 Passenger Law (An act to regulate the carriage of passengers in merchant vessels)
  • 1855 Passenger Law

    1855 Passenger Law (An act to regulate the carriage of passengers in steamships and other vessels)
  • 1862 Anri-Coolie Law

    1862 Anti-coolie law (An act to prohibit the "coolie trade" by American citizens in American vessels)
  • 1864 Immigration Act (An act to encourage immigration)

    1864 Immigration Act
  • 1875 Page Law

    1875 Page Law (An act supplementary to the acts in relation to immigration)
  • 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act

    1882 Chinese Exclusion Act (An act to inaugurate certain treaty stipulations relating to Chinese)
  • 1882 Immigration Act

    1882 Immigration Act (An act to regulate immigration)
  • 1885 Contract Labor Law

    1885 Contract Labor Law (An act to prohibit the importation and migration of foreigners and aliens under contract or agreement to perform labor in the United States, its territories, and the District of Columbia)
  • 1891 Immigration Act

    1891 Immigration Act (An act in amendment to the various acts relative to immigration and the importation of aliens under contract or agreement to perform labor)
  • 1892 Geary Act

    1892 Geary Act (An act to prohibit the coming of Chinese persons into the United States)
  • 1902 Scott Act

    1902 Scott Act (An act to prohibit the coming into and to regulate the residence within the United States, its Territories, and all territory under its jurisdiction, and the District of Columbia, of Chinese and persons of Chinese descent)
  • 1917 Immigration Act

    1917 Immigration Act (An act to regulate the immigration of aliens to, and the residence of aliens in, the United States)
  • 1918 Wartime Measure

    1918 Wartime Measure (An act to prevent in time of war departure from or entry into the United States contrary to the public safety)
  • 1921 Emergeny Quota Law

    1921 Emergency Quota Law (An act to limit the immigration of aliens into the United States)
  • 1924 Immigration Act

    1924 Immigration Act (An act to limit the immigration of aliens into the United States, and for other purposes)
  • 1940 Nationality Act

    1940 Nationality Act (An act to revise and codify the nationality laws of the United States into a comprehensive nationality code)
  • 1941 Wartime Measure

    1941 Wartime Measure (An act to authorize the refusal of visas to aliens whose admission into the United States would endanger the public safety)
  • 1943 Magnuson Act

    1943 Magnuson Act (An act to repeal the Chinese Exclusion Act, to establish quotas, and for other purposes)
  • 1945 War Brides Act

    1945 War Brides Act (An act to expedite the admission to the United States of alien spouses and alien minor children of citizen members of the United States armed forces)
  • 1946 Alien Fiancees and Fiances Act

    1946 Alien Fiancées and Fiancés Act (An act to facilitate the admission into the United States of the alien fiancées or fiancés of members of the armed forces of the United States)
  • 1946 Chinese War Brides Act

    1946 Chinese War Brides Act (An act to place Chinese wives of American citizens on a nonquota basis)
  • 1968 Armed Forces Naturalization Act

    1968 Armed Forces Naturalization Act (An act to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide for the naturalization of persons who have served in active-duty service in the armed forces of the United States during the Vietnam hostilities, or in other periods of military hostilities, and for other purposes)
  • 1990 Immigration and Nationality Act

    1990 Immigration and Nationality Act (An act to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to change the leve, and preference system for admission, of immigrants to the United States, and to provide for administrative naturalization, and for other purposes)
  • 2000 Bring Them Home Alive Act

    2000 Bring Them Home Alive Act (An act to provide for the granting of refugee status in the United States for nationals of certain foreign countries in which American Vietnam War POW/MIAs or American Korean War POW/MIAs may be present, if those nationals assist in the return to the United States of those POW/MIAs alive)
  • 2004 Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act

    2004 Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (An act to reform the intelligence community and the intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the United States government, and for other purposes)
  • 2005 Real ID Act

    2005 Real ID Act (An act making emergency supplemental appropriations for defense, the global war on terror, and tsunami relief, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2005, and for other purposes - Division B)
  • 2006 Secure Fence Act

    2006 Secure Fence Act (An act to establish operational control over the international land and maritime borders of the United States)