
Immigration and Westward Expansion

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    Immigration and Westawrd Expansion

  • Traveling to America

    Traveling to America
    My name is Wang Wei, and I am a Chinese immigrant. I finally aquired enough money to travel to the United States of America! There are no job oppurtunities in China, so I am moving to the United States to find work. Also, the Chinese Government started forcing citizens to pay extremly high taxes. The benefits of America are the job oppurtunities such as gold mining, railroad making, or domestic service, and the availability of transportation.
  • Cause and Effect Statement #1 - Immigration to America

    Cause and Effect Statement #1 Because there are no available jobs in China, I have chosen to move to America to find work. This started when the first Opium War occured between China and Great Britian. In this war, buildings were destroyed, land was lost, and many civilians died. The risk of staying in China and the lack of job oppurtunites made thousands of Chinese immigrants travel to America to find better jobs and have a chance of becoming extremely wealthy.
  • Made it to the United States!

    Made it to the United States!
    I just got off the boat in New York. Luckily I was not sick during the Ellis Island screening process, or I would not have made it here. One of my friends from our town in China was sent back for the many times he had been jailed for the crimes he commited. People are offering me jobs left and right! The jobs sound very rewarding and high paying, and for most of them they will let me work without applying!
  • High Risk, Low Paying Factory Jobs

    High Risk, Low Paying Factory Jobs
    I found several job oppurtunites in New York, but all of them pay very little and have very long hours. I am lucky to even be able to afford my one room lifestyle. Also, I can't get any better jobs because of racism and discrimination. Everyone here says that I should go back to China or go do something better with my life. I hate living with these types of people.
  • Made Enough Money to Travel West

    Made Enough Money to Travel West
    I have finally made enough money to make the trip to the western terriorty. Some factors that have made me want to move to the west are the chance of striking it rich with the gold rush, several more job oppurtunities such as a farmer, railroad worker, and house worker. Also, we were promised free land in the west. It was terrible in the east. I had to face discrimination and I had to live in a very small room with several other immigrants.
  • Cause and Effect Statement #2 - Moving to the West

    The jobs in places such as New York and Boston were dangerous, low paying, and had long hours. The immigrants working these jobs wanted to become wealthy and have their own land, so they moved to the western territory. There were job oppurtunities in the west such as gold mining, domestic serivce, and railroad service. The immigrants were also promised free land. These great benefits made thouands of immigrants move west, helping the land and economy there.
  • Immigrants Used as Virtual Slaves

    Immigrants Used as Virtual Slaves
    Many immigrants are being treated very poorly in the west. All the Chinese women are being forced into brothels and saloons, while the men are working for nothing on the railroad. I had to work as a laundry worker just to support my dreams in the gold mines.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

    The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 has kept my family from moving to the United States. Now they can't find better jobs in America like I did. I now have to send money back to my direct family just to keep them supported.
  • Heavy Discrimination and Racism

    Heavy Discrimination and Racism
    Just like in New York, I am suddenly facing heavy racism and discrimination. I believe this is happening because the gold mines have nothing left in them. Now none of us immigrants can find jobs with a chance of high pay, so we are stuck doing laundry for the native-born Americans.
  • Cause and Effect Statement #3 - Chinese Exclusion Act

    Because the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 kept Chinese immigrants form coming to the United States, thousands of Japanese immigrants traveled to America to find work. The Japanese worked for even lower pay than the Chinese, and took jobs that were considered degrading. Chinese families that had family members in America could not see them anymore because of this act. The Chinese Exclusion Act made more Japanese immigrants come to America, benefitting large factories and railroad companies.
  • Trouble With the Japanese

    Trouble With the Japanese
    Thousands of Japanese immigrants just arrived in California. They are willing to work for less and preform more dangerous taks. Almost all of my close friends have lost their jobs, and I think I am next. Also, we are being discriminated against more than they are. I believe it is because the Japanese will do anything for virtually no pay. This is not a good sign for all the Chinese immigrants.