Immigrating To America

By hmccu
  • Immigrating To America

    Immigrating To America
    Hi, my name is Ying Chong, and I immigrated from China to the West. I moved here to America to support my family and get a job for money. When I got to America My fried Ching Chong was waiting for me.
  • Gold Mining

    Gold Mining
    When I got to America, one reason I cam was to work in the gold mineing buisness. That was the time where they were finding gold, and I needed some money so I started to work. it was really hard and alot of work.
  • Anti Chinese Violence

    Anti Chinese Violence
    There was much violence between the immigrants against the Chinese.
  • Working In America

    Working In America
    While I ws working in America, the gold mining was busy. So many thouasands of Chines immigrants came to work for American, to earn money and find gold. i was one of them trying to make a new life. We did not get paid that much, even if we worked long days.
  • Involvment In The Railroad Buisness

    Involvment In The Railroad Buisness
    After the mineing buisness cut I worked on the railroads. we were paid 35 dollars per month, which was not alot at all. It still got me some moey but it wasn't good enough.I worked long days and tireing hours. Working in the rain and storms was not easy or fun.
  • San Francisco Earthquake

    San Francisco Earthquake
    When the Earthquake happened all of the documents that proved that there were chines immigrants were all lost. that ment the immigrants could come to America and say they were born here, and know one would ever know.