To the New World!
Azure Merle, who is from France, is off to the New World. To America! Drawn by the longing for a new life to begin with, as her life in France is already a disaster. Her family restricting her to get knowledge and forcing her to a marriage to a French nobleman! She is tired of it and wishes for a new life. On the way, she bumps into a guy, but doesn't get the chance to know him because they end up seperate ways. But later on, she meets him again. In college. -
Smart? Yes? College? Definetely.
One of her reasons to go to the New World, is, Azure, like all typical girls, wishes for romance in her life. She also wishes that she could go to college and learn. Another reason was Azure had heard of the “new world” though she ws not sure of what it is and how it lives. She wants to travel and go through adventures of an immigrant. Luckily, as she has been in America for some time now, Azure is going to school now. She gets fine grades, yet, gets bullied by the rich girls over at the school -
Is He "the One"? I think so!
Overtime, Azure remembers a reason why she left France. Azure’s family wounldn't let her make her own choices. Her family believes that Azure should learn to be a good “girl” and get married to a rich French nobleman. But Azure wants to go to America and go to college, get married, have her own freedom. One day, on her way to school, Azure gets bullied by the mean girls at college, but is saved by the boy who she had met on her way to America. She thinks he's "the One". Is he? -
School's Over!
Remembering her past, Azure hesitates from graduating from college. A main reason for making her leave her home, Azure had been tormented by girls that were always pushing her around, about how she looks, and how she should just go and get married and be a good wife. But finally, Azure graduates from college along with her boyfriend. As she walks through town, she hears about the West. The West? How adventurous! Azure and her boyfriend talk about it, and decide that they too, will move West! -
Trick, or Treat? Happy West Traveling!
Azure and her boyfriend begin their travel to the West. Unfortunately for them, they are robbed on the way and don't know how to make it. Luckily, a nice couple picks them up on the way, and the four of them travel to the West. One the way, Azure dreams of one day, owning land so they can run a farm or a ranch. -
Racing to Freedom!
One reason she and her partner wanted to go to the West, is because they wanted to settle down and have land of their own. Azure and her boyfriend have lived in the West for many months now. One day, they hear the news of free land giveaway. Immediately, they buy two horses and make the race, to freedom. The land shall be theirs, and freedom shall be.