Birth of Tasha
Tasha is born to her mother, a poor, African American woman who lives off the welfare system. -
Tasha's Father Leaves Her
Around the age of 3 Tasha's father decides he no longer wants to be a father and leaves her along with her mother, never to be heard from again. -
Tasha's Rape
At the young age of only 15 years, Tasha meets a boy at the roller skating rink who calls her beautiful. He then takes her outside and leads her to some trees behind the building. He forces himself upon her and threatens her life. Tasha is left in the dirt, covered in blood. She never tells her mother what happens. -
Imani Is Born
9 months later, Imani is born. Tasha's mother was very upset when she found out she was pregnant, but Tasha never told her how it happened or who the father was, her mother thought she was smart enough to have known not to get pregnant when she had a bright future. Regardless, Tasha's mother allows them to continue living there and providing for them as long as Tasha is a good mother and keeps Imani from crying. Tasha continues to go to school and take Imani with her to the daycare provided. -
Tasha Meets Peanut
Tasha meets a new kid named Peanut, just before Imani's 1st birthday. Though she doesn't admit it, she likes him. They never have anything official, but do sneak around together so Tasha's mother won't find out. In a short time, Peanut connects with Imani and cares about them, however, after a shooting at their school, Peanut's parents decide to transfer him and they don't see each other anymore, despite them only living a few blocks apart. Tasha hears he has a new girl at the new school now. -
Imani Dies
Shortly after Imani's first birthday, a drive-by happens resulting in Imani's death. The gang members were looking for the drug dealer who was staying next door, but instead open fired on Tasha's house, shooting up Imani. Everyone is left devastated by her death, especially Tasha who can barely function the first few days after. Peanut returns along with all of Tasha's friends to comfort her through the grief process. -
Tasha's Pregnant
A little bit after the shooting, Tasha finds outs she is pregnant again. This time with Peanut's child. Her mother is once again disappointed thinking she has learned her lesson and has ruined her future. However, Tasha is quite happy because she thinks that this baby will bring her back Imani. Another little human to care for that is all hers. -
Tasha Turns To Religion
After everything Tasha goes through, she finds herself at church. Her mother has always thought that religion was a waste of time, but Tasha is feels like it might be an option for her. One day after finding out she will be having a second baby she ends up in church where she breaks down, but the congregation surrounds and comforts her. She vows to accomplish everything she wants in life while being a good mother.