ImagineIT Timeline

  • Kick Off the Unit - Flint Water Crisis

    Kick Off the Unit   - Flint Water Crisis
  • Flint Michigan Water Crisis Project

  • Forge a partnership or support system for a Middle School in Flint Michigan

    Forge a partnership or support system for a Middle School in Flint Michigan
    Student and teacher will seek out a middle school in Flint Michigan to form a line a communication with their students via blogs, facebook, etc.
  • Create a Blog or Middle School Classroom Website or Create a link on School Website to communicate with the Middle school

  • Focus Groups

    Teacher and Student focus group should be held
  • Flint Michigan - Awareness Campaign

    Meet with the PTA, LSC, or send letters or newsletters home to inform the parents of the upcoming unit and fundraising drives for the citizens in Flint Michigan and for a possible trip to Michigan to offer support.
  • Fundraisers for Trip to Flint Michigan

    Fundraisers for Trip to Flint Michigan
    Work with the school in order to conduct several fundraisers to help raise money for a possible trip to Flint Michigan (Example: Out of Uniform, Spring Dance, etc)
  • Engineering Project