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Imaginary Baby!

  • Newborn

    Roslyn Rae is 6 lbs 4 oz and 21 inches. Miss Roslyn Rae was born 6|17|19 at 12 p.m. She is having the best sleep of her life! Newborn's brains are not yet able to cope fully at this stage with perception, thought, memory, language and physical coordination. The process by which she will gradually learn these skills is called cognitive development.
  • 6 months

    6 months
    Roslyn Rae is now 27 inches long.She is also 16 lbs. She enjoys playing with stacking cups and lock beads. Here is two websites that show developmental milestones, age appropriate toys, and cognitive development stages: [Link text](www.care.com/c/stories/4550/the-21-best-toys-for-6-month-old-babies/) [Link text] (www.verywellfamily.com/your-6-month-old-baby-development-and-milestones-4172585#developmental-milestones)
  • 11 months

    11 months
    Miss Roslyn Rae is developing her own little sassy personality! Some days she shows different sides of temperance. Some days she is sassy, shy, and even more independent than other days. Roslyn Rae took her first steps at 8 months which means she is now taller not longer! She is now 19 pounds and 29 inches.
  • 1 year

    1 year
    Roslyn Rae is now officially a toddler! She is babbling and has began saying Mama and Dada! She enjoys to dance around to sing-a-longs. Roslyn Rae is now 30 inches and 20 pounds. This stage in life parents have to stay interactive with their children so they can not only be able to function in a class room one day! That statement pretty much goes from birth till after adolescence.
  • 2 years

    2 years
    Roslyn Rae now follows one-step commands (such as, "Please give me the ball.") She also watches and imitates older kids and adults,
    repeats behaviors that produce a desired effect, such as dropping a toy over a ledge so that you can pick it up, and will look at a book and turn the pages. She is more self concerned at this stage in life. Roslyn Rae dose not like to share!
  • 5 years

    5 years
    Now in Kindergarten, Miss Roslyn Rae is learning how to read and develop better fine and gross motor skills. She loves to socially interact with her classmates(she is still in the pre-conventional stage of morality), color, and play pretend. Roslyn Rae is now 40.5 lb and 45 inches, which is three inches above normal.
  • 12 years

    12 years
    At 12 years old Roslyn is in the conventional stage of morality. Roslyn has always been a little taller than all the boys and girls. She feels awkward at times because she is blossoming faster than most kids. On the bright side Roslyn Rae's behavior is now driven by obeying authority and conforming to social order. She is also capable of being more independent.She knows how to think about abstract concepts.She completed the concrete operational period and entered the formal operation period.
  • 18 years

    18 years
    Roslyn Rae is now an adolescent and a senior in high school. she often spends her time studying, being with friends, doing extracurricular activities, on social media, and preparing for her future. During late adolescence, complex thinking processes are used to focus on less self-centered concepts as well as personal decision-making. Link text