Tess goes to a highschool party.
Tess goes to a highschool party, the last party of the summer before the new school year. She dosnt want t be there and leaves eventualy but she realizes her sister is very popular and almost all the guys there had a crush on Kristina. -
An important Family Meeting.
There mother calls in a family meeting, then Kristina announces that she has been diagnost with cancer. -
Tess finds out about the Oswald Drawing Prize.
Tess finds out about the Oswald Drawing Prize. The winning drawing will be shown n universities and art gallaries across the counrty, be interviewed for a tv docuentary, an illustrated catalg, a full scholarship and accepteance into theAcademy of Art University in San Francisco.
( There's a three-hundered-dollar enrty fee.) -
Tess gets knocked off her bike by Nick.
Nick accidently knocks Tess off her bike. They talk for a long time and become acquantences. Nick makes Tess feel better about her self and the currant situation at home. -
The truth.
Its Kristina's first doctor appoinment and they found out that she unfortunatly has a tumor right above her knee. They hope to cure her but she might lose her leg. -
Where's Kristina??
People are already asking about Kristina. Where is she, her where abouts, what's going on, is she sick? Tess isnt aloud to tell the truth about what's really going on so she says that she has the flu. -
Chemo Therapy
Kristina starts Chemo, within the hour she's already vomiting all over the nurse. Soon she will start losing her hair they hope for the best. Hopefully the killling the tumor while they can. -
Jeremy knows..
Jeremy knows about Kristina and why she's in the hospital. They become friends and Jeremy becomes the one Kristina talks to. Jeremy also admits that his mom has breast cancer so he will always be at the hostpital. -
School comes second.
Tess becomes worried about her Gpa being affected. Shes been skipping so many classes and leaving school without the school lettig her. She begins to think that she might not make honor society like she always wanted to do. -
Center of Attention.
She continues to work on her piece for the Oswal contest but is having artist block. She begins to realize that shes no longer invisable. She's popular and older people being asking her questions and spreading rumors of why Kristina's out. More and more older guys being to talk to her. -
Welcome Home! ...kind of.
Kristina comes home from her first round of Chemo. She should be happy, but all she does is sleep. She only will talk to Jeremy, there always alone talking. It seem as if she saves all her energy just for him. -
"Welcome back!"...says the hospital...
Kristina becomes sick wit heutrpenia, a side effect of Chemo therapy and goes back to the hospital again. Things just arent going well for her like they used too. -
Bad luck much? For you at least.
The doctors examine Kristina and it turns out the tumor actually grew bigger during the Chemo! -
Just when things couldnt get worse.
The doctors find out that the only to kill this tumor is to amputate her leg right above the knee. She has about a week left being a whole piece. -
The First Kiss
When Tess talks to Nick she finds out more about him, not only that but what his lips feel like agaisnt hers! Nick kisses her but she begins to wonder..was it a pittty kiss? -
Some mom you are.
When Tess comes home from school she admidiatly finds her mom drunk alone. Her mom begins yelling at her and saying that she wishes that Tess was the one with cancer and loseing her leg. Not Kristnia. Tess finds Nick's address and goes to talk with him. -
Good bye leg!
Amputation begins, all goes well but Kristina admits that she wishes they would of have killed her in the surgery. Kristina does nothing but sleep and talk to Jeremy. She becomes bitter and negative. -
Date Night.
Devon shows up refeusing to leave and demanding that he sees Kristina. Hes dressed up, nervous, and holding a rose. -
Death strikes.
Jeremy is late, they soon find out that Jeremy actually got in a car acciedent and died on his way to Kristina's house. Devistating. -
Tess freaks out after finding out about Jeremys unfortunate death, she calls her dad's cell..but another woman answers...oh ..great -
Good bye forever.
The funeral for Jeremy was held and everyone attends, family, school and all. Even Kristina attends. -
Oh Youre against me? Better luck next time!
Tess finds out that Nick was actualy agasint her, and her dad was supporting him the whole time..but not her. She's angered at this but she gets back her results from the academy. She lost but they highly recomended her to apply to the acedemy some day.