Metchnikoff begins comparative embryological research.
Publishes a series of papers on sponges, attacks Haekel's gastrea hypothesis and argues for parenchymella as the primordial metazoan. Turns to the problem of intracelullar digestion -
Embryological studies
Extends comparative embryological studies and embraces Darwinism -
Theory elaborated as a case of physiological inflammation beings studies of phagocyte bactericidal capacity against certain microorganisms. -
Discovery of antibacterial substance in the blood, Metchnikoff contests the humoral theory of immunity
Metchnikoff delivers Lectures on the Comparative Pathology of Inflammation
Metchnikoff publishes his opus magnum, Immunity in Infectious Diseases
Nobel Prize jointly awarded to Metchnikoff and Ehrlich
Ilya Metchnikoff dies.