Ilmurad STAAR 8

  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    English law that limited the power of the king and gave more power to rich men.
  • Jamestown

    First english colony in America for tobacco
    The geography was fertile soil and harsh winter
    Main religion was Anglican/ Roman Catholic
  • Period: to

    Southern colonies formed

    First english colony in America for tobacco
    The geography was fertile soil and harsh winter
    Main religion was Anglican/ Roman Catholic
  • Virginia House of Burgess

    First form of representative government in America
  • Mayflower Compact

    First written contract in america that gave promise to the pilgrims to stay together
  • Period: to

    New England colonies formed

    The reasons for settlement was for religious freedom
    The geography rockey soils,
  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

    One of the first forms of representative government.
  • Period: to

    Middle colonies formed

    The reason for settlement was for religous freedom and economic reasons too.
    The geography was flat land, short winters, and fertile soil.
    Main religion was Quakers (another type of Christianity).
  • Mercantilism

    It was an economic system between Great Britain and its colonies.
    Americans felt like their freedom was violated.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    Fought between the french and Native Americans vs. Great Britain.
    It increased debt of great britain and caused them to increase taxes on American colonists.
  • Proclamation line

    Line set on after the French and Indian War
    British colonies to east and french and Native American to west.
  • Stamp Act

    First tax placed on the American colonies to pay back the debt caused by french and indian war.
    It required a stamp to be put on printed paper products.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    First meeting between multiple colonies to discuss their problems
  • Boston Massacre

    Americans protesting for taxes
    It was Crispus Attucks
    5 colonists died
  • Winter of Valley Forge

    Washington was the leader
    Many of his troops died by lack of supplies and some of them froze to death
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Marquis de Lafayette helped from france
    ended the revolutionary war and the british surrendered.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Gave the American colonies independence and set new boundaries.
  • Constitutional Convention

    The major names were Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Adams, Ben Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson.
    The main author was Ben Franklin.
  • The Great Comprimise

    Each states get 2 senates
    2 houses of legislative government.
  • Period: to

    George Washington's Presidency

    He set up the presidents cabinet (presidents people)
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    A protest to the first tax that was placed after the constitution was written.
    George Washington with his military!!!!!
  • Pinckney's Treaty

    A treaty signed with Spain to allow the U.S to trade in New Orleans.
  • Washington's Farewell Address

    Staying NEUTRAL in foreign affairs
    Political Parties
  • Period: to

    John Adam's Presidency

    First president to claim a political party
    He was a leader of the federalist party(strong central government)
    Allowed the central (federal) government to imprison you if you weren't a spy.
  • Period: to

    Thomas Jefferson' s Presidency

    He was a leader of the Democratic - Republican Party (states rights).
    He fought in the Barbary Pirates war.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    This doubled the size of the U.S,
    Thomas Jefferson Bought it.
  • Marbury V. Madison

    It set up Judicial Review