Illustrated Timeline

  • Hobbes Publishes the Leviathan

    The understanding of human nature and that people are born weak. This effected/impacted on history because it played a role in fueling the Royalist, monarchy: 7 years after published.
    (Thomas Hobbes Publishes Leviathan: 1651)(
  • Period: to

    Locke published two treatises on Government

    Proving that all men were equal to each other. This impacted history because now black people and white people are equal and not mistreated or rejected.
    Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (
  • Montesquieu published The Spirit of the Laws

    The type of government varied depending on the circumstances. Not permanent government. The government was viewed as the natural of the people. This affected history because the governments presented from corruption. Some people saw danger in governments made the idea of Judicial, Legislative, and Executive branches.
  • Rousseau published The Social Contract, Emile

    Formed a government which they all agree upon. People must remain in prison and accept the death penalty. Some of the ways that this affected/impacted history was that it contributed in some articles that focused on unavailable restraints.
  • Beccaria published On Crimes and Punishments

    This was against violence toward one another rather than anyone important. This changed history because it discouraged the citizens to not commit crime. It encouraged the citizens to commit crime.