During this time, vaudeville (small theaters that featured short dramatic skits, comedy routines, and song and dance numbers) was quite popular. In order get one-up in the competition and fill in time between acts, vaudeville theaters started featuring short films. As the 1900s dawned, vaudeville expanded into nickelodeons. Nickelodeons were small storefront-type theaters that featured films (accompanied by piano music and sound effects) along with one or two vaudeville. -
Short film
A short film is any motion not long enough to be considered a feature film. Short films are usually 40 minutes or less. The increasingly rare industry term "short subject" carries more of an assumption that the film is shown as part of a presentation along with a feature film. -
Kinetoscope Parlor
Designed for films to be viewed by one individual at a time through a peephole viewer window at the top of the device. The was not a movie projector, but introduced the basic approach that would become the standard fro all cinematic projection before the advent of video, by creating the illusion of movement by conveying a strip of perforated film bearing sequential images over a light with a high-speed shutter. This was created by Thomas Edison. -
Cinematographe Lumiere
The Cinematographe Lumiere is a projector that could show motion pictures on a screen for an audience. In 1895, the Lumiere brothers started producing a series of short films from 30 to 60 seconds. These films covered such blockbuster issues as a man falling off a horse and a child trying to catch a fish in a fishbowl. -
film with sound
A sound film is a motion picture with synchronized sound, or sound technologically coupled to image, as opposed to a silent film. -
The Great Train Robbery
It was an employee of Thomas Edison and Edwin Porter, who in 1903, created the first U.S. narrative film, The Great Train Robbery. With this film, a real story line involving crosscutting between different narrative sequences and different camera positions and distances were a;; introduced. Porter's film had 14 scenes and lasted 12 minutes, a real epic by the standards of the day. -
Cartoon film
An animated cartoon is a film for the cinema, television or computer screen, which is made using sequential drawings. -
Motion Picture Patents Company
The MPPC was to use their combined patents to control things such as the production of raw film stock, projection equipment, and film distribution and exhibition; in other words, almost everything in he motion picture industry. MPPC people raided the independent (nonaffiliated) film companies tried to compete-- but at considerable risk. Their strong-arm tactics aside, the MPPC did establish film standards and create an internationally competitive motion picture industry. -
Nickelodeon Theaters
By 1910, Nickelodeon theaters were attracting 26-million viewers each week.Five years later that number had more than doubled. The popularity of films soon attracted the attention of those seeing the potential for big profits. -
Color motion picture film
Color motion picture film refers both to unexposed color photographic film in a format suitable for use i a motion picture camera, and to finished motion picture film, ready for use in a projector, which bears images in color. Around 1920, the first practical subtractive color processes were introduced. These also used black and white film to photograph multiple color-filtered source images, but the final product was a multicolored print that didn't require special projection equipment. -
German Expressionism
Consisted of a number of related creative movements in Germany before the First World War that reached a peak in Berlin during the 1920s. These developments were part of a larger Expressionist movement in north and central European culture in fields such as dance, painting, cinema, etc.