Denied US Visa
Candidate Hijacker, Khallad bin Attash, is denied US Visa in Yemen -
Period: to
If 9/11 Never Happened
This timeline shows the history of the US if the events in 9/11 never occured. -
Candidate Hijackers Receive US Visas
Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi get US Visas. -
Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi get Passports
Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi receive passports and proceed to go on a plane arriving at the US. -
Nawaf al-Hazmi is caught speeding
Nawaf al-Hazmi is caught speeding. The police reveal that he panicked and attempted to shoot the cop. He gets surrounded and when they try to make an arrest, he commits suicide. -
The police further investigate the car and find Khalid al-Mihdhar's name on papers they found about the plan. They send the evidence to the FBI. -
Police Issue a Secret State Search
The FBI tracks the car and they find that it belongs to a person in the area. They reach the apartment to see that it has recently been abandoned. They quickly issue a Confidential State Search in California. -
Khalid al-Mihdhar's Attempted Escape
With no partner and nowhere to go, their plan is destroyed. Khalid al-Mihdhar tries to cross the border to Canada, but he only makes it to Oregon before he is arrested. -
Khalid al-Mihdhar is Sentenced to Prison
Khalid al-Mihdhar is sentenced to prison. Other suspects are immediately found and arrested. The police and FBI keep this a secret to not cause panic to the people in the US. -
Police in Airports on 9/11
More police and guards are in airports, but that is the only change in security to not cause suspicions. -
Osama bin Laden is a Suspect
Osama bin Laden is a prime suspect for being the leader of the attempted terrorist attack and immediately, police start a confidential, to citizens of the US, search. -
Osama bin Laden is Captured and Arrested
Osama bin Laden is found, about one year later, hiding in Afganistan in plain sight. He is later arrested, tried, and charged in accordance with Afghanistan laws. -
US Decides Against Involvement with Middle Eastern Countries
The US sees little to no reason to have involvement with the Middle Eastern Countries, including Iraq, so the nation decides not to take any part in any affairs or wars -
Election of 2004
George W. Bush runs for reelection against candidate John Kerry -
US President of 2004
John Kerry is elected as President. The US sees no reason to reelect George W. Bush. -
Stock Market Crash
The Stock Market Crash of 2007-08 begins -
Fixing the Stock Market Crash
Within six months, John Kerry is able to fix this national problem, having the time to deal with problems within the US. -
Election of 2008
John Kerry is reelected. Americans were pleased with his efficiency in the last term.