Political Changes and Continuity During the Ottoman Dynasty in 1200-1800 CE

By aalagic
  • Jan 1, 1243


    The Mongols invade Asia Minor after the collapse of the Seljuk Turkic kingdom of Rum in eastern Antolia. This fits under the political theme because it involves a conflict and new leadership. This shows change because the Mongols were now in power instead of the Seljuk Turks.
  • Jan 1, 1281


    The Ottoman dynasty is founded after an early leader named Osman. They started to dominate the region and began to build a new empire based in Antolia. This fits in the political theme because there was new leadership in Antolia. This shows change because the Ottomans were now dominating the area and not the Mongols.
  • Jan 1, 1350


    The Ottomans had advanced from their strongholds in Asia Minor into Europe. They conquered large portions of the Balkans and Hungary. This fits under the political theme because it involves those who were in power expanding their empire. This shows change because the empire was being spread to new areas.
  • Jan 1, 1453


    The Ottomans had bypassed the city of Constantinople, the capital of the once powerful Byzantine Empire, under Mehmed II. This fits under the poltical theme because it involves where the dynasty was expanding. This shows continuity because the Ottomans were continuing to expand their empire.
  • Jan 1, 1514


    The Ottoman had a victory over the Safavids at Chaldiran. This fits under the poltical theme because it involves a battle and conflict. This shows continuity because the Ottomans were continuing to be victorious and gain more land.
  • Jan 1, 1517


    The Ottomans extended the empire into Syria and Egypy and across north Africa. This brougt the bulk of the Arab world under their rule. This fits under the polticial theme because it involves those who were leaders expanding their empire. This shows continuity because the Ottomans continued to conquer more lands.
  • Jan 1, 1571


    The Ottomans were defeated by a combined Spanish and Venetian fleet at Lepanto. This fits under the poltical theme because it involves conflict. This shows change because the Ottomans were being defeated rather than being victorious in battle.
  • 1683

    The Ottoman armies were able to lay siege to the capital of the Austrian Habsburg dynasty at Vienna. This fits under the poltical theme because it involves the Ottomans and conflict. This shows continuity because the Ottomans were gaining control over even more places.
  • 1699

    Ottomans give up their territories in Europe. This fits under the polticial theme because it involves a conflict and new leaders in the areas that the Ottomans ceded. This shows change because the Ottomans did not have power over these areas anymore.
  • 1730

    Ottoman armies were defeaed by Persian forces under the emperor of Persia, Nadir Khan. This fits under the poltical theme because it involves conflict and new leaders in power. This shows change because the Ottomans were finally defeated.

    Even though the Ottoman Empire showed continuity throughout the years 1200-1800 CE because they continued to expand their empire and were victorious in battle, they also showed drastic changes later when they took power in what new areas they were dominating and when they started to be defeated.