
Identity vs Role Confusion

  • Jennie's Inner Conflict

    Jennie's Inner Conflict
    Jennie (age 15) was struggling at school. Having more freedom to explore ones creative had confused her greatly. Jennie had questioned what she wanted to do, and the type of people she would like to be surrounded by. In Erikson’s fifth stage, identity vs role confusion, the crisis is between who one is. We can find our identity through exploration, acceptance and encouragement of close ones. However, if one is afraid and in denial of their true self they can be confused about their role.
  • Getting Marrried

    Getting Marrried
    Jennie (age 28) had accepted her boyfriend's proposal and married him. They both agreed it was time to settle down and build a family together. In Erikson’s sixth stage, intimacy vs isolation, the crisis is between forming a loving relationship and isolating oneself because of past experience or lack of social connections. It's between being successful, having your feelings reciprocated or having a single-sided love that won’t lead to a happy ending.
  • Last Breath

    Last Breath
    Jennie (age 95) took her last breath in the hospital bed. She left with a smile on her face, proud of what she had accomplished in life. Her only regret was not meeting all of her children and grandchildren before she passed. In Erikson’s eighth stage, integrity vs despair, where one questioned whether they had lived a meaningful life. There will exist cheerful but also bitter moments. Some will look back and be satisfied, however, there also exist those who have many regrets and despair.