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identity timeline

  • date of birth

    date of birth
    this is the day i finally took leap into the outside world
  • learning how to cook

    learning how to cook
    This was the day that i first officially start learning how to cook. after this I've been improving and increasing my cooking skills
  • 16th birthday

    16th birthday
    this day opened my eyes to a lot of fault in my closes people and friends
  • Period: to

    first heart break

    my partner cheating and months later we broke up
  • summer of 22

    summer of 22
    this was an eye opener to my teenage years. i got to do, see and experience so much over the summer. a summer i enjoyed and will forever remember.
  • carnival

    this was my first time at any carnival, ever.
  • first time getting a job

    first time getting a job
    this was a realization and the first step into in dependency. But i later quit.
  • first day of senior year

    first day of senior year
    This was my last first day of high school in general. this was the beginning to a closing chapter.
  • applying to colleges

    applying to colleges
    this is the start into the future of my future. the future of my life. the future of change
  • Driving lessons

    Driving lessons
    this was the day that i drove on the highway for the first time. It was scary but it was a lesson that i will forever remember