Ideas Help Start a Revolution

  • Second Continental congress

    Second Continental congress
    In May of 1775 colonial leaders convened a second continental congress in Philadelphia to debate next move. Minutemen and British soldiers clashed. Adams suggested each colony set own government and Congress declare colonies independent. Congress recognized minutemen as the continental Army and appointed commander George Washington. also authorized the printing of paper money to pay troops.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    On June 17 1775, Gage sent out nearly 2,400 British troops they began marching up Breed's hill. held fire until last minute. The surviving British troops made a second attack then a third. the third succeeded as the militiamen ran low on ammunition.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    On July 8 1775, Congress sent the king the Olive Branch Petition. Urging a return to former harmony between Britain and the colonies. The king rejected the petition issued a proclamation stating the colonies were in rebellion urged parliament to order a blockade of the American coast
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    An anonymous 50-page pamphlet, the colonist Thomas Paine attacked King George III. Common sense sold nearly 500,000 copies. In April 1776, George Washington wrote, " I find common sense is working a powerful change in the minds of many men.
  • Declaring independence

    Declaring independence
    On June 7 1776, Congress appointed a committee to prepare a formal declaration explaining the reasons for the colonies actions. Thomas Jefferson chosen to express committee's points. Jefferson "life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The American colonies declared independence from Britain. listing several ways the king violated their rights.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    On July 4 1776, The colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence. read to a crowd in front of the Pennsylvania state house