• 5000 BCE


    Invented in Africa by the native groups. I choose this event because with that we can understund each other and make complex communication.
  • 3500 BCE


    Invented in mesopotamia 5500 years ago. This indicates that humanity beacame a civilitation
  • 3000 BCE

    Paintings in the caves

    Paintings in the caves
    Discovered in europe in 1879. Painted to represent how they hunt animals.
  • 2900 BCE


    Invented in Ancient Egypt and used for almost 3500 years. 23 symbols to represent the consonants of their language.
  • 500 BCE

    Use of papyrus as paper

    Use of papyrus as paper
    Manufactured in Ancient Egypt to use it at paper. Maked by a plant in the Nilo river.
  • 150 BCE

    Smoke signals

    Smoke signals
    Used in the great wall of China to advise others about enemies.
  • Jan 1, 1455

    Pringting press

    Pringting press
    Created in China. Revolutioned the society of the 15th century.
  • Jan 1, 1572

    First use of carrier pigeon

    First use of carrier pigeon
    First used by Gengish Khan in Asia. Popularised between 1572 and 1574 in war.
  • Computer

    Created by Charles Babbage in 1822. Invented to make math operations.
  • Telegraph

    Originated in the early 1700s but invented by Samuel Morse (using code morse through strings)
  • Phone

    Invented by Bell after 2 years of investigation in a laboratory located in Scotland
  • Radio

    Invented by Gugliemo Marconi and called from him ``the wireless telegraph´´
  • TV

    Invented by Philo Farnsworth wit only 21 years old

    Invented by John William Mauchly and John Presper Eckert created initially to calculate trajectories during the second world war
  • Transistor

    The fishics Walter Brattain, William Shockley and John Bardeen discover the transistor in the laboratories Bell.
  • IA

    The computer scientist John McCarthy use the word IA for the first time when he maked his article Computing Machinery and Intelligence
  • Sputnik

    Launched by the sovietic unión. It was the first artificial satellite in the history. Used for communication and to spy others
  • Augmented reality

    Augmented reality
    Originated by Charles Wheatstone with the creation of the steroscope, an instrument that have the illution of depth from 2 identical photos.

    Investigated by John Licklider but not know until 1969 for all the world.
  • First e-mail

    First e-mail
    Originated in 1961 by the MIT but not comerzialized until 1972
  • 1G

    Launched by NTT on Japon in 1979, and in 1981 in the nordic countries
  • Quantum computing

    Quantum computing
    Originated by the physic Paul Benioff thet proposed a quantum mechanical model of the Turing machine
  • Internet

    Born when the Departament of Defense of the U.S used the protocol TCP/IP and his Arpanet network created Arpa Internet network.
  • 4G

    It debuted in the marked of Estocolmo in 2009 and from there to the world in October of 2010
  • 5G

    The first investigations of 5G began in 2014. The first demostration of 5G was in 2018 in the olimpic games. Maybe it will comercialized in 2023. I choose this event because is a new generation and is so precise but i don´t understand why we need devises to go more fast.