programming inventions
Lunokhod 1: 1970
HUBO (Mobile robot): 2005
Centibots: 2003
Canadarm (SMRS): 1981
Unisurf (CAD/CAM system): 1968
Shakey (Mobile robot): 1970
Robot arm: 1954
Temperature regulator for a furnace: 1620
Puma (robot arm): 1954
Siri: 2007
Roomba: 2002 -
1834: Charles Babbage invents his Analytical Engine. Regarded as many as the first computer, it has memory and program control capabilities.
1948: The first electronic computer is built
1983: The introduction of the PC to homes and offices and the development of software such as design packages
2002: The first smartphone is invented -
1879: Electricity is starting to be supplied to US homes
1947: The transistor, a vital part of today's electronic systems, was invented
1954: Silicon solar cells with 6% efficiency made
1965: The integrated circuit is invented. This allows computers to be made much smaller (microcomputers) -
1913: Henry Ford installs the world’s first moving conveyor belt-based assembly line in his car factory. A Model T can be assembled by people in 93 minutes. -
1964: Carbon fibre is developed which is twice as strong as the same weight of steel. It is used for high performance aircraft, spacecraft and sports equipment -
1887: Heinrich Hertz generates radio waves for the first time
1960: The inertial navigation system is invented which provides accurate information on the position of a body moving in space such as an aeroplane or spacecraft