Hands 820272 1280

İbrahim Terzi Timeline IT

  • 105

    The Invention of Paper

    The Invention of Paper
    With the invention of paper, data was more accesable than ever. The paper made saving and sharing information easier. Now that information is spreading even more, humanity could evolve in educational technology.
  • 382

    Writing Manuscripts

    Writing Manuscripts
    Manuscript writing made preserving information way easier. Now humanity can store bigger and further informations in a pile of paper. This opened a way for libraries and such.
  • 1450

    Gutenberg Invented The Press

    Gutenberg Invented The Press
    Press was most definitely a fabulous ivention. It provided serial publishing of many informational materials for education purposes. Now it was even easier to gain information.
  • Libraries

    Libraries made accesing books faster with the help of printing presses. You could go and search for the spesific information you were looking for. It was a huge step.
  • Education for Public

    Education for Public
    Public education made accesing the educational technology even faster. Now every students can make use of technologies. First public education was sighted in Coloniel America. (Lynn, 2019)
  • Audio Materials

    Audio Materials
    The advantage of audio materials in education made people realize using different senses in education affected learning in different ways.
  • Audiovisual Material

    Audiovisual Material
    Implementing visuals into audio made memorization and learning even faster. This was a huge step in education.
  • Overhead Projectors

    Overhead Projectors
    Overhead projectors created opportunity for printed media to be seen by multiple people whilst being edited.
  • VHS

    VHS created opportunities for todays distance education and such. It is possible to say, with this new invention information could be transported to digital compartments. (Cashmore, Cleland, Dixon, 2018)
  • Portable Audio

    Portable Audio
    With the invention of MP3 players, recording and playing new information became so easy. Transporting audio became a normal of life. (Buskirk, 2005)
  • Computers and The Internet !

    Computers and The Internet !
    Computer and The Internet made acces to information almost unlimited and free. Now you have to do almost nothing to find what you want to know. Every information you're interested in was on tip of your finger.
  • Launch of YouTube

    Launch of YouTube
    This event was crucial for learning outside schools. Now everyone could share information and learn from others just by one click and spesific searches. Information spread was fast. Education took ona a whole another level.
  • Virtual Reality

    Virtual Reality
    Around these years VR seems to grow in education and provides even more realistic interactions. This makes acquire and develop information easier.
  • Artifical Intelligence

    Artifical Intelligence
    Now AI became a part of our lives. AI is being used in education for creating fun activities, taking hints and such. AI is such a good companion for every student and educator.

    Image by StockSnap from Pixabay
    Image by Pexels from Pixabay
    Image by mikefoster from Pixabay
    Image by InspiredImages from Pixabay
    Image by nitish_lakra from Pixabay
    Image by afra32 from Pixabay
    Image by Bru-nO from Pixabay
    Image by ean254 from Pixabay
    Image by jarmoluk from Pixabay
    Image by bboellinger from Pixabay
    Image by TonyPrats from Pixabay
    Image by bukejiuyao from Pixabay
    Image by fancycrave1 from Pixabay
    Image by anaterate from Pixabay