Jan 31, 711
Muslims enter to the peninsula
Battle of Guadalete -
Period: Feb 1, 711 to Feb 1, 756
Dependent emirate
Jan 31, 722
Battle of Covadonga
The reconquest start.
Pelayo stablish his kingdom -
Jan 31, 732
Battle of Poitiers
Period: Feb 1, 739 to Feb 1, 757
Kingdom of Asturias
Alfonso I: expanded domains towards Galicia and began to occupy the northern Meseta. -
Period: Feb 1, 756 to Feb 1, 929
Indepent Emirate
Jan 31, 824
Kingdom of Pamplona
Later was called Kingdom of Navarra -
Period: Feb 1, 866 to Feb 1, 910
Kingdom of Asturias
Alfonso III: conquered Coimbra and Oporto. When he died, he divided his possessions into three kingdoms: Asturias, Galicia and León -
Period: Feb 1, 929 to Feb 1, 1031
Córdoba Caliphate
Period: Feb 1, 1031 to Feb 1, 1085
The taifa kingdoms
Jan 31, 1065
Kingdom of Castilla
Period: Feb 1, 1085 to Feb 1, 1212
North African Empires
Jan 1, 1100
The Kingdom of Castilla conquered the Muslim territories in the south of the peninsula.
Period: Jan 31, 1148 to Jan 31, 1149
The Crown of Aragón
The peninsula. Ramón Berenguer IV--Tortosa and Lérida -
Jan 30, 1177
Alfonso VIII (the Noble) conquered Cuenca
Jan 30, 1177
Alfonso VIII (the Noble) conquered Cuenca
Period: Jan 31, 1200 to Jan 31, 1300
Alfonso IX of León conquered Cáceres and Badajoz
Period: Jan 31, 1200 to Jan 31, 1300
The Crown of Aragon
The south of France -
Jan 30, 1212
Alfonso VIII defeated the Almohads at the Battle of Navas de Tolosa
Jan 30, 1212
Alfonso VIII defeated the Almohads at the Battle of Navas de Tolosa
Period: Jan 31, 1229 to Jan 31, 1305
The Crown of Aragón
Jaime I (the Conqueror)
subdued the Muslim Kingdoms of Mallorca (1229)
and Valencia -
Period: Jan 31, 1300 to Jan 31, 1400
The Mediterranean
The territorial expansion of the Crown of Aragón -
Jan 30, 1305
The Crown of Aragón
Jaime II
fought Castilla for control of the Kingdom of Murcia.
Their permanent borders were eventually agreed -
Jan 30, 1340
Alfonso XI (the Tough) fought off an invasion by the North African Marinid dynasty
Alfonso XI (the Tough) fought off an invasion by the North African Marinid dynasty,
who had crossed the strait to protect Granada. The armies of Castilla and Portugal
formed an alliance and defeated them at the Battle of Salado -
Jan 30, 1340
Alfonso XI
He fought off an invasion by the North African Marinid dynasty,
who had crossed the strait to protect Granada. The armies of Castilla and Portugal
formed an alliance and defeated them at the Battle of Salado. -
Jan 30, 1340
Alfonso XI
He fought off an invasion by the North African Marinid dynasty,
who had crossed the strait to protect Granada. The armies of Castilla and Portugal
formed an alliance and defeated them at the Battle of Salado -
Jan 31, 1492
Muslims are expelled from Granada
Alfonso IX of León conquered Cáceres and Badajoz