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Ian V. Mr Sehl American History 2015-16 p.7

  • Period: Dec 1, 1350 to


    a) means “rebirth”, period of time when moving into a new time. b) the europeans were amidst the “rebirth”. c) turning point of humanism, new art, knowledge, etc.
  • Period: Dec 8, 1466 to Jun 30, 1520


    a) he led the aztec empire as it expanded its greatest size. b) the 9th emperor of the aztec empire. c) spain invaded mexico and attacked the aztecs.
  • Period: Dec 8, 1485 to Dec 2, 1547

    Hernan Cortez

    a) spanish conquistador. b) made himself the enemy of thousands of native americans. c) hernan claimed mexico for spain
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbian Exchange

    a) refers to a period of cultural and biological exchanges between the new and old world. b) europeans and native americans were affected. c) they needed resources from each other.
  • Dec 1, 1492


    a) to move from one location to another for better resources, etc. b) Paleo-Indians migrated. c) Nomads did not yet have a place to call home so they migrated to america.
  • Dec 1, 1492

    Iroquis League

    a) a group of native americans from the north east. b) north east natives. c) because they lived in the woods, they had to take advantage of their resources and make things.
  • Dec 1, 1492

    Prince Henry The Navigator

    a) sent portuguese ships to explore west coast of africa. b) he sent the ships. c) if it wasnt for his motivation, the ships would not have gone far.
  • Dec 2, 1492


    a) adobe is a type of brick. b) natives built their homes of adobe. c) the natives needed a sturdy material for their homes.
  • Dec 8, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    a) sailed the ocean and discovered part of the world. b) the king and queen of spain lent him ships. c) if it wasnt for the king and queen, christopher columbus would not have found the americas.
  • Dec 8, 1492


    a) spanish explorers who went around the world. b) spanish explorers. c) to claim knew parts of the world as their own.
  • Presidio

    a) military reservation in part of america. b) was spain’s northern-most outpost of colonial power. c) presidio was put in place for spain to claim their land.
  • Mestizo

    a) a person of combined european and amerindian descent. b) the term was used in spain and spanish america. c) some europeans loved the native americans very much.
  • Northwest Passage

    a) passage of waterways and forest on northwest coast. b) kwakiutl, nootka, and haidi inhabited the passage. c) the area was perfect for native settlers.
  • Joint-Stock Company

    a) companies that allowed investors to pool money and make profit. b) these companies were initiated by the english. c) the investors wanted to pool their wealth in support of a colony that would hopefully yield profit.
  • John Smith

    a) he trekked across europe. b) he helped hungary fight a war with the turks. c) carved adventure.
  • Puritan

    a) a group of english protestants. b) founded by john calvin. c) the puritans wanted to “purify” or reform the church of england.
  • House of Burgesses

    a) the first representative body in colonial america. b) was founded by governor george feardley. c) the house had authority to raise taxes and make laws, two citizens from each district would meet.
  • Mayflower Compact

    a) signed agreement to pledge loyalty to the king. b) was created by the pilgrims. c) they were afraid that, by the time they set foot in new land, that they would be challenged.
  • William Penn

    a) william penn was one of the earliest city planners. b) william penn religiously tolerable to those with different religions. c) penn thought that people should not degrade others based off beliefs.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    a) armed rebellion by virginia settlers against the rule of governor william berkeley. b) led by nathaniel bacon. c) the initial cause of the rebellion was berkeley’s refusal to retaliate for a series of native american attacks on frontier settlements.
  • Habeus Corpus

    a) legal action of writing b) in which detainees can seek relief from unlawful imprisonment. c) many detainees were being given unlawful imprisonment.
  • English Bill of Rights

    a) the bill creates separation of powers and enhances democratic election of bolsters freedom of speech. b) limits the king and queen. c) the new colonies needed a new set of rights.
  • The Great Awakening

    a) evangelical and revitalization movement. b) it swept protestant europe and british america.c) to leave a permanent impact on american protestantism.
  • Indentured Servant

    a) a person who becomes a personal servant for pay. b) many people from the caribbean were kidnapped and put into indentured servitude. c) people were having money problems and had no choice but to give in to indentured servitude.
  • Middle Passage

    a) an american passage in the middle of the south. b) includes new york, delaware, new jersey, and pennsylvania. c) the passage was used for trade.
  • Magna Carta

    a) it promised the protection of church rights, illegal imprisonment, etc. b) agreed by king john of england. limits the law of the king. c) it was one of the first laws multiple rulers agreed toward.
  • Salutary Neglect

    a) refers to an unofficial and long-term 17th and 18th enforcement. b) british policy of avoiding strict enforcement. c) meant to keep american colonies obedient to england.
  • Mercantilism

    a) belief in the benefits of profitable trading. b) refers to everyone that trades. c) many traders needed accumulation of profitable balances.
  • Enlightenment

    a) intellectual movement of the late 17th and 18th centuries. b) european upcoming. c) emphasizing reason and individualism rather than trading.
  • Cash-Crop

    a) crops grown for multi-purchase. b) robert carter and many others specialized in raising a single cash crop. c) people ( farmers ) needed to make money.
  • Period: to


    Bicameral Legislature- two legislative or parliamentary chambers. Relationship is equal. Articles of Confederation- first constitution of US. Ratified March 1, 1781.Northwest Ordinance- Laws enacted about the east of mississippi river being settled. Shay's Rebellion- protests between 1786-1787 against state and enforcements about taxes. Great Compromise- Created dual system for US government. The Federalist- 85 essays outlining US government, written by Jay, Hamilton, and Madison.
  • Period: to


    Popular Sovereignty- Political doctrine that gave people the right to vote based off of amount in state. Limited Government- political system in which power of the government is limited and spread out. Separation of the Power- Equal separation of power in legislative government. Checks and Balances- Power is separated into 3 branches so they have equal power.
  • Period: to


    Cabinet- group of department heads who serve as the president's chief advisers. Alexander Hamilton- US first secretary of treasury. one author of Federalist paper. Tariff- an import tax on goods produced in europe. Loose Construction- A brand interpretation of a statute. Strict Construction- limits or restricts judicial interpretation. Whiskey Rebellion- Tax protest in US. AKA Whiskey Insurrection. John Jay- Member of New York Committee of Correspondents, helped write Federalist Paper.
  • Period: to


    Alien and Sedition Acts- Four bills passed to give the president the power to deport illegal aliens. Marbury V Madison- A landmark US supreme court case that applied to the principle of "judicial review". Judicial Review- Doctrine after which legislative and executive actions were subject to review judicially. Louisianna Purchase- the acquisition of the louisiana territory by the US. Impressment- The act of taking men into a navy by force and with no notice.
  • Period: to


    War Hawk- Someone in politics who favors war. Andrew Jackson- Dismantled the second bank of US on policy grounds, Treaty of Ghent- the peace treaty that was signed by US and Britain. Hartford Convention- A series of meetings in which New England Federalist Party discussed problems with war.
  • Later 1800s

    Indian Removal Act- An act to move native americans from their homeland. Jacksonian Democracy- the political movement during the second party system. Tariff of Abominations- a tariff that reduced britain's exports to US. Nullification- A legal theory that a state has the right to invalidate any federal law. 2nd Great Aawakening- protestant revival, rejected the idea that god predetermined one's salvation. Open Community- a community that has high religious, moral ideas.
  • Later 1800s

    Dorothea Dix- she created the first mental asylums. Nat Turner- led a rebellion of slaves and free blacks. William Lloyd Garrison- A prominant american abolitionist, journalist. Abolition Movement- An effort to end slavery in america. Seneca Falls Convention- First woman's rights convention. Elizabeth Cady Stanton- she held the first convention of woman's rights. Manifest Destiny- the phrase used during the expansion of america. Lone Star Republic- Name of the state that is currently now texas.
  • Later 1800s

    Wilmot Proviso- A treaty proposed to ban slavery in any territory acquired by mexico during the mexican war, Compromise of 1850- A package of five seperate bills passed by US congress in September 1850, it defused 4-year political confrontation between slave and free slave states. Underground Railroad- A network of secret routes and safe houses used by slaves. Harriet Beecher Stowe- A novelist who wrote about slave life in her book UNCLE TOMS CABIN.
  • Later 1800s

    Kansas-Nebraska Act- Created the territories of kansas and nebraska, openind new land for settlement. Dred Scott- A man who granted he be free because he had lived in a free state. Harper's Ferry- town made as a ferry across the potamic. Confederate States of America- A part of america that favored slavery.
  • Later 1800s

    Interchangeable Parts- Parts that are exactly alike and can be made out of. Erie Canal- One of the most impressive projects for internal improvements. Cotton Gin- Cotton engine, fabricates cotton. American System- Pre-civil war set of measures designed to unify the nation. Henry Clay- An american lawyer, politician, and skilled orator. Monroe Doctrine- US foreign policy to keep europe from colonizing the western hemisphere. Missouri Compromise- An agreement in 1820 between pro and anti slavery.
  • Popular Sovereignty

    Principle in which people of state have rule over votes, consent of people, because they are the source of all political power. John Locke and Thomas Hobbes were involved.
  • 1860 and Beyond

    Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo- Treaty that resulted in american and mexican friendship. California Gold Rush- A period in which gold started bbeing found in California. Gadsden Purchase- The disputed mexican-US boundary. Mormon movement- mormons started their movement to the west.
  • Anaconda Plan

    Anaconda Plan
    Anaconda plan was initial Civil War strategy of US army
    Blockade the coast of the south to prevent export of cotton, tobacco, and other cash crops from the south and to keep then from importing much needed wwar supplies.
    Divide the south by controlling missipi river. Scott was main operator.
    used by the union, battle strategy.
  • The First Battle of Bull Run

    The First Battle of Bull Run
    "First Manassas" by confederates, Union forces were slow in positioning themselves, allowing Confederate forces time to arrive by rail. 18,000 poorly trained troops.
    Union attacked them. Being disaster for Union forces. Union lost.
    First major land battle. The Union had the mindset that the battle would be easy. Union forces: 460 killed. 1,124 wounded. 1,312 captured/missing.Confederates: 387 killed 1,582 wounded. And 13 missing. Beauregard fought irvin mcdowell, beauregard beats him.
  • The Battle of Antietam

    The Battle of Antietam
    Union- George B McClellan
    Confeds- Robert E Lee
    Antietam Creek
    Lee baited McClellan, invaded maryland, lee was defensive. McClellan overly cautious, overnumbered confeds. Linead formation. Women: 7 for union. 1 for confeds... they dressed up as men. The 1 confed woman was killed. African Americans: not many reported in the battle, but were impacted by the battle. Draw/Union victory. Bloodiest battle in US history. 22,700 casualties. 12k union 10.3k for confeds. Emancipation Proclamation result.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Shiloh

    Pittsburg Tennessee. Union 66,000 Confederates 44,700
    Union captured forts Donelson and Henry in February
    General Ulysses S Grant was order to wait in Pittsburg landing for Don... Union beats Confederates. Confederates gained Shiloh chapel (high ground). KNOWN AS BLOODIEST battle of Civil War.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Fredericksburg

    Virginia. North: Maj Gen Ambrose E Burnside
    South: General Robert E Lee. 200,00 combatants.
    One of largest and deadliest wars.
    Confederate victory. Union had more soldiers than Confeds.
    Women and African Americans contributed. Led to Mud March of 1863
    13000 union 5000 confed casualties
    General Burnside was let go of his command afterward.
  • Period: to


    Chancellorsville, Virginia
    Union- 97,000 Confederates 57,000 soldiers
    Major General Joseph Hooker for Union
    Confederates won, Union tried flanking Lee's army
    Stonewall Jackson died in friendly fire.
    Lee crossed Potamac, invaded Maryland and Pennsylvania
  • Period: to

    The Siege of Vicksburg

    Last majot confed stronghold on mississippi river.Union attempted to cut of confed resources. FAILED ATTEMPT BY UNION. They had more casualties than confed soldiers.North- 157 men killed, 777 wounded, 8 MIA. Second attempt: 502 killed, 2550 wounde...
    July 3rd gen pemberton sent note to gen ulysses s grant demanding surrender. Grant did not want to leave 30000vconfed soldiers in union prison camps.. Grant won. Union
  • Period: to

    Battle of Gettsysburg

    Union won. union George meade and jogn f reynolds confed robert e lee. Rovert E lee;s second invasion attempt of the north
    Largest battle in civil war ....
    union colla[sed after confederate attack union held their ground., aftermath Gettysburg adress. Women disguised as soldiers. No african americans. George meade fired from lincoln.
  • Battle of Atlanta

    Battle of Atlanta
    Southeast of atlanta, ga
    Union won
    Union: 34000, casualties: 3,600. Confeds: 40,000 Casualties: 8,500
    Atlanta was used as military supply operations for confeds, this was prominant target for the union.
    William T Sherman head south to savannah, beginning his march to the sea.
    Influenced election of abe lincoln.
  • Period: to

    Sherman's March to the Sea

    North: William T Sherman, 62,000 men in two columns, Atlanta to Savannah rampage
    South: VS Tenessee (General Howard), VS Georgia (Gen Slocum)... Confeds had 13000 men. Started in Georgia
    The march destroyed 100 milion dollars in damage 1.4 billion today). Livestock, goods, miles of railroads destroyed. Civilian homes destroyed. Lincoln did not endorse. Freed slaves along the march. Attractedm refugees.
  • Klu Klux Klan

    Organization founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest in which people came together to try and repent blacks through violence.
  • 14th Amendment

    Granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the US. Including former slaves.
  • 15th Amendment

    Granted African Americans the right to vote. Thanks to Lincloln.
  • Reconstruction

    Second sence focused on transtormation of US, directed by congress,
  • Freedman's Bureau

    US federal government agency, purpose to aid freed men in the South.
  • Black Codes

    Laws intended to restrict African American freedom.
  • Sharecropping

    System of agriculture in which a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of a portiionof the land.
  • Period: to

    Enforcement Acts

    Three bills passed as criminal codes which protected African American votes. Passed under Ulysses S. Grant.