Ian hackling

Ian Hackling- Born February 18, 1936- Present

  • Birth and Career Start

    Ian Hackling was born in 1936 in Vancouver, Canada. He is a Canadian Philosopher specializing in Philosophy of Science, and has received many awards for his work and contributions to it.
  • Logic of Statistical Inference

    Logic of Statistical Inference
    This book is one of Ian Hackling's earliest publications. It focuses on discovering the simple principles which underlie modern work in mathematical statistics and testing them. Many different professionals use this genius work to aid them in the generalization and hypotheses they develop on their own data. Hackling took a view from outside the box, as philosophers usually do, and gave experts statistical inference so that they could use it for future gathering of data, or estimations.
  • The Emergence of Probability

    The Emergence of Probability
    The Emergence of Probability is a philosophical study of probability, induction, and statistical inference. It's one of Hackling' greatest contributions to the philosophy of science. It takes an approach on mathematics that many had never seen from a philosophical standpoint.
  • Why is there Philosophy of Mathematics At All?

    This book is a contribution on the philosophy of mathematics by Ian Hackling. He discusses where proof came from, and how it is ever evolving dependent upon new discovery. He discusses different types of mathematics, and how they each apply to different philosophical conundrum. The book is a long explanation for interested readers on his earlier work, and why it's important to be applied to philosophy of science.