Ian Hacking was born 18 February 1936 in Vancouver, Canada. -
Ian Hacking earned several degrees at a few different universities. Undergraduate's from University of British Columbia (1956), University of Cambridge (1958), and a PhD from Cambridge as well in (1962). -
From 1960 until 2011 he taught at around the world. Princeton (1960), U of Virginia (1961), Research fellow at Cambridge (1962-1964), UBC (1964-1969), Lecturer at Cambridge (1969-1974), Stanford (1974-1982), Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Bielefeld, Germany (1982-1983),Philosophy U Toronto (1983), University Professor (1991-2000), First Anglophone as Chair of Philosophy and History of Scientific Concepts at College de France (2000-2006) UC Santa Cruz (2008-2010), U of Cape Town 2011. -
Ian was an Influencer with his work. He was a man of history and using that towards his philosophy of science. He wrote several books in his time. Concise Introduction to Logic, Why does Language Matter to Philosophy, The Emergence of Probability, Representing and Intervening, The Taming of Chance, Le Plus pur nominalisme: L'enigme de Goodman: Vleu' et esages de vleu, Rewritting the Soul: Multiple Personality and the sciences of memory, and many more. He produced hundreds of articles as well. -
The End
Ian was also married three times with one son two daughters and a step son. He would pas away May 10, 2023 -
P. Pattenden. Professor Ian Macdougall Hacking, 1936-2023. 2023, Ludvig Hertzberg, Peterhouse University of Cambridge, https://www.pet.cam.ac.uk/news/professor-ian-macdougall-hacking-1936-2023 Williams, Alex. Ian Hacking, Eminent Philosopher of Science and Much Else, Dies at 87, The New York Times, May 28, 2023, https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/28/science/ian-hacking-dead.html Wikipedia. Ian Hacking. 12 April 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Hacking -
Sources continued
Fjelland, Ragnar & Strand, Roger. About Ian Hacking. 2024, Centre for the Study of the Sciences and Humanities, University of Bergen. Holberg Prize, https://holbergprize.org/en/holberg-prize/about-ian-hacking