I was born in Teziutlan city, in December 17th 1994. My name is Franco Ortiz Santos.
My date of birth.
I was born in Teziutlan city, in December 17th 1994, it was very special for my parents because I am the 4° of the family. -
My baptism.
This date was very greatful, because it was the first day that I was going to the church. -
When I went at kindergarden.
In the year 1999 I went at the kindergarden "Niños Heroes". -
My first tooth.
When I was in the kindergarden, I was eating an apple but in this moment fell off mi first tooth of milk. -
My first communion.
In the patronal holiday of my town I did my first communion, with my sister, was a day unforgetable because it was a holiday of much emotion. -
The High School.
When I ended of course of elementary school, I was to High School. A stage of my life very special because I met my friends, and mi first love! -
My professional life.
A stage that I never will forget is in CONALEP, because it was a stage very special because I was openning the door to others places. A professional life! -
My life in BUAP.
This date it is very unforgetable, because is the stage more dificult of my life, but the best professionally, because I study a profesion for my life.